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EBOOK Anthony Tuckney (1599-1670): Theologian of the Westminster Assembly (Cho) - EBOOK

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Youngchun Cho investigates the theology of Anthony Tuckney, an overlooked yet highly influential member of the Westminster Assembly. After a brief biography and an evaluation of Tuckney’s use of Scripture and reason, Cho shows how he related union with Christ to the doctrine of the Trinity, soteriology, and assurance of salvation. This book refutes claims that seventeenth-century Reformed theology in general, and the Westminster Standards in particular, pursued logical precision at the expense of the dynamic aspect of union with Christ, demonstrating that union with Christ was a critical element to Tuckney’s theological agenda.



Youngchun Cho (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) serves as associate pastor at Jubilee Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia.



“Anthony Tuckney, an often-overlooked Puritan theologian of the Westminster Assembly, is herein valuably reappraised by Youngchun Cho. This well-written study reveals a leading founding father of Puritan theology whose abiding legacy is seen in themes such as scholarship without scholasticism, the primacy of revelation over reason, and the Trinitarian nature of salvation best expressed by union with Christ. This work is important as it substantiates and elucidates Tuckney’s extensive theological contributions to Presbyterian theology through his prominent role in central formulations of the Westminster Standards.” — Peter A. Lillback, president, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia

“Anthony Tuckney has been overlooked down the years by all but a few scholars. In his day, however, he was a highly regarded theologian, influential in the deliberations of the Westminster Assembly, and particularly on the Larger Catechism. I am delighted to see Dr. Cho’s fine dissertation published, and I hope it will prove to be a significant resource for further work on the theology of this important period.” — Robert Letham, professor of systematic and historical theology, Union School of Theology, Wales

“Love it or not, the Westminster Confession of Faith is one of the enduring theological statements of seventeenth-century Puritan England. But relatively little is known about the individuals who contributed to the theology of this confession. For the first time, Youngchun Cho has provided rich theological insight into one of the key shapers of the Westminster Confession, Anthony Tuckney (1599–1670). In Anthony Tuckney: Theologian of the Westminster Assembly, we are treated to first-rate research into Tuckney’s treatment of the doctrine of the union with Christ, which locates justification in proper relationship to sanctification. This is not only superb scholarship but also a study with direct spiritual benefit. Read it and be stimulated and blessed at the same time.” — Frank A. James, president and professor of historical theology, Biblical Theological Seminary, Hatfield, Pennsylvania

“Anthony Tuckney played a crucial role in training Puritan preachers at Cambridge and writing the Westminster Standards, yet few remember him today. Cho’s well-written, ground-breaking theological biography of Tuckney shows how the Puritans employed the sophisticated theological tools of Reformed orthodoxy to promote biblical, Christ-centered faith and piety. A fascinating, informative read!” — Joel R. Beeke, president, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan