Atonement (Fluhrer)
The doctrine of atonement is under debate. Evangelical publishing houses are releasing books that purport to change our understanding of this central Christian doctrine; church leaders are asking for the emphasis to change away from Christ as sin-bearer to Christ as exemplar of God's love (as if they need to be mutually exclusive?). What have some of the churches' best-known theologians and pastors to say on the matter? Published in conjunction with the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, this is a collecting of outstanding presentations on the Atonement from recent PCRT meetings, together they make a strong case for the Reformed view of Atonement, but this book doesn't just discuss points of theology; it also shows the implications of that theology and how to communicate it - brilliant!
J.I. Packer - The Necessity of the Atonement
John R. DeWitt - The Nature of Atonement: Reconciliation
James M. Boice - The Nature of Atonement: Propitiation
John R. Gerstner - The Atonement and the Purpose of God
R.C. Sproul - Sacrifice and Satisfaction
James M. Boice - The Language of the Marketplace
Sinclair Ferguson - Christ, the Sin-Bearer
Alistair Begg - Preaching the Cross
Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer is the assistant pastor to youth and families at Second Presbyterian Church in Greenville, South Carolina.