EBOOK Be Reconciled with God: Sermons of Andrew Gray (Gray) - EBOOK
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Be Reconciled with God presents twelve rare sermons preached by Andrew Gray.
Each sermon is succinct and compelling, alluring and humbling. They are packed with both simple and profound thought communicated with almost tangible passion. When Gray preached from a text that invites sinners to come to Jesus unconditionally, his whole sermon consisted of compelling invitations. When he preached on experiential themes, such as union and intimate communion with Christ, his whole sermon unpacked these riches. When he preached on texts that focus on our responsibility to sanctify ourselves before God, his whole sermon presses us on the particular aspect of sanctification that his text stresses. When the text selected contained a strong emphasis on warning against one kind of sin or another, his whole sermon conveyed a solemn, urgent warning note to abandon that sin and flee to Christ.
Gray was a preacher who was on fire, as it were, to bring his church family the whole counsel of God as contained in the variety of texts that he selected to preach. But each particular sermon focused like a laser beam on the text at hand. This helped make his sermons so compelling and powerful.
Table of Contents:
1. Christ’s Treaty of Peace with Sinners
2. Christ’s Invitation to the Heavy Laden
3. The Spiritual Marriage
4. Believers are the Friends of God
5. An Exhortation to Perseverance
6. A Call to Behold One Greater than Solomon
7. The Saint’s Resolution to Pay His Vows
8. Self-conceit Proves Self-deceit
9. The Great Danger of Hypocrisy (Part 1)
10. The Great Danger of Hypocrisy (Part 2)
11. The Great Prejudice of Slothfulness (Part 1)
12. The Great Prejudice of Slothfulness (Part 2)
Andrew Gray (1634–1656), a renowned Scottish preacher steeped in Reformed and Puritan theology, was much used of God prior to his homecoming at the age of 22.
“When a minister preaches with some special assistance of the Holy Spirit, people will say afterwards something like this, ‘There was such a sense of heaven in the place today!’ In days when such an experience is not as common as at earlier times, to read the preaching of Andrew Gray as recorded in this book is to glimpse a sight of glory that is absolutely essential for the health and vigor of the gospel church. ‘You are the light of the world,’ said the Lord Christ to the people of God. Let the church sue heaven for such ministries as Gray’s to characterize the pulpits of the whole world in our age. Then will our light shine with the healing and sanctifying glory of the living Savior.” —Geoffrey Thomas