Roberts, Francis
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We have all experienced it: that moment when Satan whispers in your ear, “You aren’t really a true Christian or you wouldn’t think or behave like that.” It is one of our enemy’s most effective tactics to spread uncertainty and render God’s people ineffective with self-doubt.
But how do we know we are a Christian? Roberts writes, “to be in a gracious state is true happiness. But to know ourselves to be in such a state is true happiness doubled upon us.” Roberts book will lend some help to Christians to discern their spiritual state and make your election and calling sure (2 Pet 1:10).
Table of Contents:
The Preface, Touching the Saints’ Assurance
The Summary Contents of the Several Chapters in This Book
1. Evidences or Signs of God’s Love to Us
2. Evidences or Signs of Our Regeneration, New Birth, Adoption, and Sonship
3. Evidences or Signs That We Are of the Truth and of the Number of God’s Own People
4. Evidences or Signs of Being in Light, Not in Darkness; in Life, Not in Death
5. Evidences or Signs of Our True Knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ
6. Evidences or Signs of Our True Love to God and to Jesus Christ
7. Evidences or Signs of Our Fellowship and Communion with God and with Jesus Christ
8. Evidences or Signs of the Unfeigned Love of the Brethren
Appendix: A Case of Conscience Touching the Sin against the Holy Ghost.
Francis Roberts (1609-1675) was born in Yorkshire, England. He studied arts at Trinity College, Oxford and was ordained in 1649 and later became minister of St. Augustine, Watling-street. His most popular work was not actually a book, but a chart called “A Synopsis of Theology or Divinity.” It was specifically written to aid the people of his congregation to understand the basics of the Christian faith more precisely and easily by way of a visual aid.
“Francis Roberts (1609–1675), a well-respected theologian, pastor, and author, wrote on a wide variety of subjects. One of his most spiritually practical books, Believers’ Evidences for Eternal Life, addresses how Christians may know they are Christians. In typical Puritan fashion, he unpacks John’s first epistle and other scripture passages, showing how believers may grow in assurance of their faith by relying on God’s promises and reflecting on the marks of grace evident in their life, corroborated by the word-based testimony of the Holy Spirit witnessing with their spirit that they are the sons and daughters of God. Highly recommended not only for those who struggle with assurance but also for assured Christians to be strengthened all the more in their most holy faith!” — Joel R. Beeke, president, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan