Are you looking for a unique resource that effectively teaches Reformed Theology to teens? Bible Doctrine for Teens and Young Adults stands out with its use of hundreds of stories and illustrations to make complex theological concepts accessible. Clear and concise, this textbook covers all the major Christian doctrines in thirty units, guiding students to not just know but live their faith from an early age.
Features included:
- Vocabulary lists of key theological terms
- Stories that apply doctrine to real life
- Supports teachings with key Scripture texts
- Chapter quizzes to test students’ understanding
- Section reviews that summarize essential truths
- Activity pages to engage students in their studies
The series also includes Bible Doctrine for Younger Children for those aged nine years and older and Bible Doctrine for Older Children for those aged eleven years and older.
The entire series uses a clear, precise, and easy-to-read style that is fruitful for homeschooling, church, or family settings.
Explanation and Acknowledgments
- God’s Essence
- God’s Revelation and God’s Word
- The Bible and False Religions
- The Trinity, God’s Decree, and Predestination
- God’s Creation, Theory of Evolution, and Angels
- God’s Providence
- Creation of Man, Image of God, Man’s Soul and Body, and the Covenant of Works
- The Fall of Man, Sin, and Death
- The Covenant of Grace
- The Mediator, the Natures of Christ, and the Names of Christ
- The Offices of Christ
- The States of Christ
- The Holy Spirit’s Gracious Work and God’s Calling
- Regeneration and Conversion
- Faith
- Justification
- Sanctification and Good Works
- God’s Law
- God’s Moral Law: Its Two Tables and Commandments 1 and 2
- God’s Moral Law: Commandments 3–5
- God’s Moral Law: Commandments 6 and 7
- God’s Moral Law: Commandments 8–10
- Prayer
- God’s Church, Church Offices, and Church Discipline
- Creeds, Doctrinal Standards, Liturgy, Church Order and Government
- Church History, Five Points of Calvinism, and Means of Grace
- Holy Baptism
- Public Confession of Faith and the Lord’s Supper
- Eschatology (1): Intermediate State, Christ’s Second Coming, and Millennium
- Eschatology (2): Resurrection, Final Judgment, Hell, and Heaven
About the Author
James W. Beeke is a lifelong educator. Currently, he is an executive director on the CMLES board of directors and serves as its superintendent of global education. He holds a master's degree in educational leadership, is an educational consultant, and speaks for a wide variety of educational conferences and teacher-training seminars.