Beeke, James W.
Bible Doctrine Student workbook is part of an introductory course based on The Compendium, an abbreviated form of the Heidelberg catechism that was compiled by Herman Faukeel in 1611. This course covers core concepts of biblical doctrine, aiming to promote a Reformed balance of truth in which head knowledge provides the soil in which the Holy Spirit may plant the saving seed of heart knowledge.
The workbook may be adapted for various uses, including church Confession of Faith classes, units in junior high and high school Bible courses, adult Bible classes Christian school teacher courses, sourcebook for catechism instructors, and family or individual study.
Introduction: Religion and Its Confession
A. Religion(s)
B. Revelation of God
C. Bible
D. Basic Terms
E. Doctrinal Standards
Part 1: The Misery of Man
A. Three Parts of True Conversion
B. State of Misery
C. Law: Moral, Civil, and Ceremonial
Part 2: The Origin of our Misery
A. Image of God and Covenant of Works
B. The Fall (origin of our misery)
C. Sin (cause of misery)
D. Total Depravity (reality of our misery)
E. Punishment (consequence of our misery)
Part 3: The Mediator
A. Human Nature of Christ
B. Divine Nature of Christ
C. Christ: Only Mediator
D. Limited Atonement
Part 4: The Essence and Summary of Faith
A. Types of Faith
B. Elements of Saving Faith
C. Object and Author of Faith
D. Essence, Exercise, Assurance of Faith
E. Apostles’ Creed
F. The Trinity
G. Creation/ Evolution
H. Providence
Part 5: The Son of God and Our Redemption
A. Natures: Divine, human
B. Names: Jesus, Christ
C. Offices: Prophet, Priest, King
Part 6: The States of the Mediator
A. Christ’s Humiliation
B. Christ’s Exaltation
C. Millennium
Part 7: The Spirit and the Church
A. The Holy Spirit: Third Person in the Trinity
B. Common/ Saving Grace
C. Sin Against the Holy Ghost
D. Church Militant/ Triumphant; Visible/Invisible
E. Reformed Church History; NRC history
F. Liturgy – Church Order
G. Predestination
H. Supra/Infra Lapsarianism
I. Judgment Day
Part 8, 9 A: Justification of the Sinner and the Means of Grace
A. Justification
B. Sanctification
C. External/Internal Calling
D. Word
E. Sacrament
Part 9 B: Holy Baptism
A. Sign
B. Seal
C. Manner
D. Adults
E. Children
F. Baptism Form – Liturgy
Part 10: The Lord’s Supper
A. Sign
B. Seal
C. True Self-Examination
D. Manner
E. Church Discipline
Part 11: The Necessity of Good Works
A. Definition
B. Purpose
C. True Conversion
D. Necessity
E. Perfection
Part 12: Prayer
A. Purpose
B. Elements
C. Manner
D. Types
E. Times
F. Contents
G. The Lord’s Prayer
"Joel and James Beeke meet a real need in this splendid workbook, which guides us sure-footedly through all the doctrines of the Christian faith. Ideally suited to home school, family, or individual use, Bible Doctrine Student Workbook will help put much needed protein and fiber into the spiritual diet of today's Christians." - Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson
Joel R. Beeke (Ph.D. Westminster Theological Seminary) is President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth. He has written numerous books. He is frequently called on to teach at seminaries and speak at Reformed conferences. He and his wife Mary have been blessed with three children.
James W. Beeke is the Inspector of Independent Schools for the Ministry of Education: Province of British Columbia, Canada. Prior to this position, he was a Christian School principal for twenty years. He holds a Master's degree in Educational Leadership and speaks for a wide variety of educational conferences and teacher professional development meetings. He is the author of seven textbooks for Bible doctrine instruction written for students from the 4th through 12th grades. He and his wife Ruth have been blessed with five children and nine grandchildren.