Bundle: The Christian in Complete Armour + The Whole Armor of God
Gurnall’s Christian in Complete Armour, certainly one of the greatest of all the Puritan’s practical writings, has been many times republished, but the best edition remains that of 1864, with an Introduction by J.C. Ryle. It is this unabridged edition which is now reprinted.
This Complete Armour is beyond all others a preacher’s book: I should think that more discourses have been suggested by it than by any other uninspired volume. I have often resorted to it when my own fire has been burning low, and I have seldom failed to find a glowing coal upon Gurnall’s hearth. John Newton said that if he might read only one book beside the Bible, he would choose The Christian in Complete Armour, and Richard Cecil was of much the same opinion.
"If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete Armour." — John Newton
"Gurnall’s work is peerless and priceless; every line is full of wisdom; every sentence is suggestive. The whole book has been preached over scores of times, and is, in our judgment, the best thought-breeder in all our library." — C.H. Spurgeon
"You will often find in a line and a half some great truth, put so concisely, and yet so fully, that you really marvel how so much thought could be got into so few words." — J.C. Ryle
William Gurnall (1617–1679) pastored in the little town of Lavenham, in the English county of Suffolk. Despite his Puritan leanings, Gurnall signed the Act of Uniformity and agreed to the dictates of the Church of England. Though not ejected from his pulpit as were other non-conformists, his position was not respected on either side of the conflict. His massive treatise on spiritual warfare and two small pieces—The Christian’s Labor and Reward and The Magistrate’s Portrait Drawn from the Word— comprise all of Gurnall’s known published works.
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William Gouge was a prominent member of the Westminster Assembly. This book was the first one he had published, and that in 1616. It has never been reprinted until now.
Lovers of the Puritans are familiar with William Gurnall’s massive treatment on this subject, The Christian in Complete Armor. Gouge’s work was published in 1616, the year William Gurnall was born.
Here are 13 chapters on the armor God has given Christians to fight their spiritual battles. The appendix is a rare treatment of the sin against the Holy Ghost.
“All of Puritan William Gouge’s writings are eminently biblical, sound, practical, wise, and sanctifying. Don Kistler is to be commended for bringing this once well-known work, The Whole Armor of God, back into print in a modern, lightly edited edition. This is long overdue. For too long this valuable work on Christian armor has been overshadowed by William Gurnall’s massive work on the same subject, but Gouge’s work is every bit as worthy—and considerably shorter, even at 584 pages! If you are serious as a Christian about growing in grace and holiness and fighting the good fight of faith, you will definitely profit immensely from reading this challenging yet encouraging work. Highly recommended!”
—Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President,
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan