Beeke, Joel R.
Discipline is not a dirty word. Any group which is united and effective embraces discipline to promote the health and strength of the group as a whole and its survival over time. The same is true of the church of Jesus Christ, serving and striving together so that Christ is formed in every member.
The church of the living God also needs to respond righteously when there is sin in her midst. God has not left us alone in this! Wisely and graciously, the Head of the church has told us how and why the church must discipline unrepentant sin. Christ calls his church to be holy for its own sake and the sake of the world to which we witness.
This booklet summarizes the principles and the practices Christ has given for the holiness of his church. It sketches out the assumptions that lie behind church discipline, grounded in the identity of the church and activity of the church of God. It speaks to the nature of church discipline, in its more positive and negative aspects. It identifies love as the primary motive behind any discipline in the church. It looks at the God-ordained purposes of corrective discipline, and the reasons why a church might have to pursue this course. It offers practical advice as to how such discipline ought to be carried out in the church of Jesus Christ.
About the Author
Jeremy Walker is the pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England and is the author of The Brokenhearted Evangelist, What is Repentance?, On the Side of God: The Life and Labours of Andrew Fuller, A Face Like Flint, Passing Through: A Pilgrim Life in the Wilderness, Anchored in Grace, Our Chief of Days, and The New Calvinism Considered, and Rooted and Grounded: A Light Modernisation of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith.