A good, helpful explanation. One I will want to read again.
"The doctrine of God has subordinate truths that are easily appreciated by all God's people and other truths that seem to graduate you into the higher echelons of God's self-disclosure and its attendant spiritual benefits. God's sovereignty is in the latter category, and John Calvin, the Swiss Reformer, did a lot to help the church appreciate this truth from Scripture. Joel Beeke does a great service by helping us to understand some of Calvin's teachings on God's sovereignty, especially in providence and in predestination. Trust me, this little book is worth every moment you will spend reading it!"
—Conrad Mbewe
"For decades Joel Beeke has read, preached, written, defended, worshiped, and prayed in the light of the power of these truths. In this highly accessible book he gives a condensed yet clear and highly pertinent explanation of the context and biblical foundation of Calvin's doctrinal exposition of divine sovereignty in the issue of election and reprobation."
—Tom J. Nettles
About the Author
Joel R. Beeke is president and professor Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan.