Johnson, Jeffrey D.
What is man, and what relationship does man have to God? Was man always as he is now? Is there no escape from our headlong descent into misery, brutality, enslavement to sin, death, and eternal darkness? Is there any sure guide, any solid ground for hope, any light which the darkness of this world cannot overcome?Professor Vickers's answers to such questions are a welcome addition to the literature of Christian apologetics. His approach is clearly rooted in the writings of Cornelius Van Til, formerly professor of apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary.
Like Van Til, Vickers presents his Reformed convictions in large, biblical terms that offer a positive challenge, sure to engage the hearts and minds of Christians from many backgrounds.Christian Confession and the Crackling Thorn scripturally and intelligently defends the old and yet ever new imperatives of the Christian faith and provides intellectual and spiritual fiber to defend that faith with unbelieving friends and associates. It is recommended first to believers who wish to answer the call of the apostle Peter to be ready always “to give answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.” It is also recommended to the non-Christian reader, whose interest may only be to know what today’s Christians may have to say, or who, at a deeper level, desires to share in the hope that is unique to the Christian faith.
Table of Contents:
1. Being and Knowing
2. Rationalism and the Claims of Autonomy
3. The Image of God
4. The Necessity and Canonicity
5. Christ Our Substitute
6. The Christian's Status
7. The Assurance of Faith
8. Chrisitan Doctrine and Life
About the Author
Douglas Vickers is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts. In addition to works in economic theory and policy, he has published several titles in doctrinal and apologetic theology. His most recent book is The Fracture of Faith: Recovering Belief of the Gospel in a Postmodern World.