Beeke, Joel R.
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When some people smile, they ignite smiles in people around them.
They have contagious smiles.
If that’s what a contagious smile is, what is contagious Christian living?
It is living that is so godly and so consistent that people around them cannot help but be impacted and inspired.
In Contagious Christian Living, Joel R. Beeke looks at four people in the Bible to find out how people today can live an influential life in dependence on the Holy Spirit. Here is your invitation to read about, and pray for, the sacrificial submission of Jephthah’s daughter, the Christ-centeredness of Bartimaeus, the contagious blessings of Jacob, and the consistent integrity of Daniel.
Table of Contents:
Preface by Geoff Thomas
1. Sacrificial Submission: Jephthah's Daughter
2. Christ-centerdness: Bartimaeus
3. Contagious Blessing: Jacob
4. Consistent Integrity: Daniel
Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan; editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth; editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books; and a prolific author.
"One of Joel Beeke’s best books yet. In these pages he gives us profound truth in a luminously simple style, applied with a pastor’s insight to contemporary living. From the fascinating experiences of four real people he calls us to become contagious believers—winsome in self-sacrifice, integrity, and a passion for Christ. This is a wonderful volume —‘narrative theology’ as it should be but rarely is—and in itself contagious. Absorb it yourself and buy copies for your church. Anyone who wants to grow spiritually will benefit enormously and eternally from these sermons." - Edward Donnelly, Principal and Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological College, Belfast,Minister, Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church, Newtownabbey
" I wish I could have been there to hear these four marvelous addresses, but Dr. Beeke has kindly provided the material in these pages enabling us all to profit from his customary sure touch and devotional spirit. I know of few preachers alive today who could equal his mastery of the Reformed and Puritan tradition and be able to convey it with such enthusiasm. These addresses, if read with godly submission, will challenge and convict, edify and exhort to a greater love for the Savior and contagious zeal in following His loving commands. I cannot recommend this book too highly." - Derek Thomas, John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Practical Theology, RTS Jackson,Minister of Teaching, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi
"Growing affection and trust characterize Joel Beeke’s ministry at the annual Aberystwyth Evangelical Movement of Wales’ Conference. Dr. Beeke’s concern was to re-establish his hearers’ proper relationship with God through our Savior, and by a newly discovered wonder at this achievement to encourage a fresh and living walk with God that would be contagious in the eyes of the church and world. Read these addresses for yourself and judge how successful our honored brother has been in his messages." - Geoff Thomas, pastor of Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth, Wales (from the preface)