Depression: Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness (Welch)
Where Is God in the Struggle?
Looking away from despair towards hope can feel risky. What if God doesn't come through for you? What if you don't feel instantly better? Instead of offering simple platitudes or unrealistic "cure-all" formulas, Edward T. Welch addresses the complex nature of depression with compassion and insight, applying the rich treasures of the gospel, and giving fresh hope to those who struggle.
Table of Contents:
1. The Path Ahead
2. How Depression Feels
3. Definitions and Causes
Part One: Depression Is Suffering
4. Suffering
5. God
6. Cry Out to the Lord
7. Warfare
8. Remember
9. Purpose
10. Persevere
Part Two: Listening to Depression
11. Depression Has Its Reasons: Other People, ‘Adam,’ and Satan
12. Depression Has Its Reasons: Culture
13. The Heart of Depression
14. The Heart Unveiled
15. Fear
16. Anger
17. Dashing Hopes
18. Failure and Shame
19. Guilt and Legalism
20. Death
Part Three: Other Help and Advice
21. Medical Treatments
22. For Families and Friends
23. What Has Helped
24. What to Expect
Part Four: Hope and Joy: Thinking God’s Thoughts
25. Humility and Hope
26. Thankfulness and Joy
Edward T. Welch, M.Div., Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist and faculty member at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF). He has counseled for over twenty-five years and has written many books
"I cannot overstate the importance, timeliness, and helpfulness of this book. Ed has given us the wisdom that only comes from a heart shaped by the gospel and a deep compassion for people, generated by the love of Jesus. This is a must read and a must share." - Scotty Smith, Senior Pastor, Christ Community Church; author of The Reign of Grace and Objects of His Affection
"An all-too-rare combination of gospel understanding, biblical wisdom, personal empathy and long counseling experience shines through these pages. What is most needed is a course of divinely prescribed anti-depressants. Like a skilled spiritual pharmacist, Ed Welch fills that prescription for us." - Sinclair B. Ferguson, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, S.C.; theologian; author of The Christian Life
"I have come to rely on Ed Welch and others at CCEF for guidance and insight in better understanding the issues of the soul that plague many people today. For those who want to address more than just the symptoms of depression, Ed's counsel is invaluable." - Bob Lepine, Co-Host, FamilyLife Today