EBOOK The Scandal of False Teaching: Combating the Plague of Error (Durham)
Series Description
In 1659, James Durham published The Dying Man’s Testament to the Church of Scotland, or A Treatise concerning Scandal. The large book was divided into four parts, looking at scandal in general, public scandals in the church, doctrinal scandals, and the scandal of division. Now presented in modern English, Durham’s classic treatment on scandal has been separated into four convenient volumes that can be used to edify a new generation:
- The Scandal of Stumbling Blocks: Avoiding Spiritual Harm
- The Scandal of Undisciplined Disciples: Making Church Discipline Edifying
- The Scandal of False Teaching: Combating the Plague of Error
- The Scandal of Church Divisions: Healing the Wounds of Schism
Book Description
In his letter to the churches in Revelation, Jesus rebukes Pergamum for tolerating dangerous errors. In The Scandal of False Teaching, James Durham uncovers the danger of false teaching and the ways that it threatens the body. With care and precision, Durham helps us identify the seriousness of doctrinal errors and understand how to correct them. Ministers and lay church members will learn how to work together to defend Christ’s church against wolves in the flock. Now presented in modern English with discussion questions, Durham’s classic treatment on doctrinal error can be used to edify a new generation.
- The Danger of False Teaching
- How False Teaching Takes Root
- Tackling False Teaching
- Church Leaders Must Tackle False Teaching
- Christians Must Resist False Teaching
Discussion Questions
“False doctrine and controversy have always challenged the church, but few books wisely advise Christians on how to navigate these treacherous waters, which is why the republication of James Durham’s Scandal of False Teaching is a welcome counselor. Durham does not shy away from tough issues and gives to Christians practical, pertinent, and powerfully biblical advice. With Durham by our side, we can sail through the rough seas of doctrinal error and ensure that we stay focused on Christ and contribute to the peace and purity of the church.”
J. V. Fesko, Harriet Barbour Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary
Author Bio
James Durham (1622–1658) served as minister at Black Friars Church in Glasgow as a chaplain to King Charles II and as a minister at the Inner Kirk of the cathedral in Glasgow. Known for his piety, wisdom, and scholarship, Durham stands as one of the great Scottish Presbyterians of the seventeenth century.