EBOOK What Are the Benefits of Biblical Stewardship and Tithing? (Pipa)
To remain faithful Christians, “we need a robust theology of tithing,” writes Dr. Pipa. In this pamphlet, you will learn to develop this theology both intellectually and spiritually. The author establishes the duty of tithing from both the Old and New Testaments and shows us that our stewardship is an important act of worship that flows from the grace of God. When we give faithfully, we and others enjoy blessings as the needs of the church are met at home and throughout the world.
“The Lord Jesus makes it crystal clear that the use of our treasure reveals the place of our heart. This little booklet is an exhortation to heartfelt generosity and a thoughtful portrayal of what the Bible says about Christian financial stewardship.”
—Jonathan Master, president, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
About the Author
Joseph A. Pipa Jr. is president emeritus of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.