The Psalm of Ascents
I am reading and absorbing this treasure as a study guide and daily devotional using my journable to write the scripture of each Psalm, making comments to refer back to. I love this format and the golden nuggets to ponder on.
In Worshiping on the Way, Pastor Jonathan Cruse explains how the Psalms of Ascents (Psalms 120–134), sung by Hebrew pilgrims making their journey up to Jerusalem, are divinely adept to cultivate desire and maintain determination for the things of God. And this was not just for Old Testament saints. These same songs give the Christian church a glimpse of our heavenly Jerusalem and pull our hearts and our affections in that direction. See how these psalms can spur corporate worship during our earthly pilgrimage in anticipation of our worship in the heavenly Mount Zion. As Cruse reminds us, “This is where we must regularly find ourselves until the day we lay our burdens down, having made it the whole way up.”
Introduction: Who Shall Ascend?
“In the Old Testament, the Psalms of Ascents (Psalms 120–134) supported and directed pious Israelites on their journeys to the earthly Jerusalem with its king and temple; for Christians, they help us enter the heavenly Jerusalem to draw near to Jesus, our king and temple. Jonathan Cruse’s engaging study opens these psalms for us in a very interesting, insightful, and practical way, encouraging a desire for godliness and helping us on to God.”
—W. Robert Godfrey, teaching fellow and chairman of Ligonier Ministries
“Jonathan Cruse’s writing makes me want to read more of it! We need more Bible in our lives, and we need more guides to the Bible like Cruse, who makes me want to return to the Bible to see more in its pages. The Bible is God’s word, and the Bible is the tool God uses to change lives. This guide to the Psalms of Ascents will put those two things together for you. Drink deeply from this stream that flows from the well of Scripture, that the Lord might make you more like Christ. These psalms are awesome, and this book will help you see how. Enjoy!”
—James M. Hamilton, professor of biblical theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“One of the pillars of Reformed piety has been the practice of reading or singing psalms. In this book on the Psalms of Ascents, Pastor Jonathan Cruse pastorally unpacks the beautiful psalms and insightfully reminds us that Christians are traveling people on a pilgrimage to our eternal home characterized by worship and community. This delightful volume will edify you and increase your desire to read (and sing!) the Psalms.”
—Joel E. Kim, president and assistant professor of New Testament, Westminster Seminary California
“The Bible teaches that we Christians on earth are pilgrims journeying toward our heavenly home in Christ. In these brief chapters, Jonathan Cruse explores this truth with exegetical care and pastoral insight, encouraging us to carry the Psalms of Ascents close to our hearts as we traverse that journey. To all who are heading to the Celestial City and want to long for God’s heavenly presence with greater grit and deeper gratitude, read this book and be refreshed on your way!”
—R. Carlton Wynne, associate pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church (PCA), Atlanta, Georgia; adjunct professor of systematic theology, Reformed Theological Seminary (Atlanta)
“In this disillusioned age of de-churching, the visional call to ascend Mount Zion to the heavenly Jerusalem provided to us by Christ is needed now more than ever. With his approachable, pastoral manner, Jonathan Cruse opens up the Psalms of Ascents to restore this vision and issue such a call. With its concise chapters and study questions, Worshiping on the Way will greatly bless those who read and discuss its pages.”
—Barry J. York, president, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
About the Author
Jonathan Landry Cruse is pastor of Community Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Kalamazoo, Michigan, where he lives with his wife and three children. He is the author of several books, including What Happens When We Worship.