Lanning, Ray B.
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Rev. Ray B. Lanning provides helpful reflections on the Form for the Administration of the Lord's Supper in the liturgy of the Reformed churches. Part 1 is a guide for those preparing to come to the Lord's Table, something for each day of the week prior to the Lord's Day appointed for administration of the sacrament. Part 2 further explores the form in meditations on the purposes for which Christ instituted the sacrament and the manner of its celebration. These meditations can be read before or after partaking of the Lord's Supper. Appended to this is a study edition of the Form for the Administration of the Lord's Supper. Here is instruction and encouragement as you seek to make ever more diligent use of the "glorious remembrance" of the death of Christ as a means of grace.
Ray B. Lanning is a minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, now retired and living in Grand Rapids, Michigan. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Westminster Seminary, Rev. Lanning served a number of Presbyterian and Reformed congregations in the United States and Canada during his thirty-three years as a pastor and preacher of the Word.
"The brevity of this booklet belies the valuable resource it is. Through clear explanation and varied biblical, catechism, and Psalter references, Rev. Lanning encourages careful preparation for the sacrament. God's children who reflectively and prayerfully use this in their devotions the week prior to the Lord's Supper will find it a blessing." - David Vanbrugge, a pastor of Heritage Reformed Congregation of Grand Rapids, Michigan
"Self-examination is a difficult duty that raises many questions, especially for weak and doubting Christians. How do I actually do this? If I am a Christian, why do I find so much contradiction within? Ray Lanning, with his Bible and Psalter in hand, has come to our help. Broken up into manageable portions, this little booklet will prove an invaluable aid to all who take seriously the apostle's command: 'Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup' (1 Cor. 11:28)." - Ian Macleod, a pastor of the Free Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan