Alexander, Archibald
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Princeton Theological Seminary became one of the leading institutions of theological training during the nineteenth century, and God, Creation, and Human Rebellion provides a window into the early development of what is known today as Old Princeton theology.
This book presents systematic theology lectures by Archibald Alexander that were written down by his most renowned student, Charles Hodge. Arranged in question-and-answer format, these lectures cover the introductory matters of theology through the doctrine of God and the doctrine of man. This manual of theology serves as a brief, clear, and thought-provoking primer on Christian doctrine. Whether you are interested in finding out what theological study was like in Old Princeton or want to start learning theology for yourself, this book will be a valuable tool in your pursuit.
This book contains notes written by Charles Hodge from Archibald Alexander's lectures in prolegomena, the doctrine of God, and the doctrine of man, printed for the first time. A fascinating read!
Table of Contents:
Transcribed by Charles Hodge
Edited by Travis Fentiman
Introduced by James Garretson
Archibald Alexander (1771-1851), converted in 1789, was ordained as a minister in the Presbyterian Church. He served as an itinerant missionary, President of Hampden-Sydney College, and minister of churches in Virginia and Philadelphia, before becoming the first professor of Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1812.
"Archibald Alexander stood with one foot in the Old World and one in the New World. He mined the treasure trove of attainments secured in the Second Reformation and conveyed those riches to an adolescent American Presbyterian church. But as a teacher responsible for equipping students for the ministry, he did more. He exemplified in his personal life the union of sound doctrine and vital godliness, which can only be attained through saturation in the Scriptures. God, Creation, and Human Rebellion provides a window into the classroom where Alexander taught, inviting us to glean some of the benefits that shaped young Charles Hodge and others- and calling us to pass the same torch to a rising generation." - Robert D. McCurley, minister of Greenville Presbyterian Church, Free Church of Scotland (Continuing)
"This collection of lecture notes from Archibald Alexander and the pen of Charles Hodge clearly illustrates the philosophical underpinnings, apologetic methods, and theological commitments of both. Students and scholars of Old Princeton will find this a clear, brief, and provocative read." - Todd Rester, associate professor of church history, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
"For slightly over a century, Princeton Theological Seminary served as the bulwark for confessional and convictional Christianity. Two of its towering figures were Archibald Alexander and his star pupil Charles Hodge. This utterly remarkable book brings us Alexander's teaching from the notes written in Hodge's own hand. Open this book and step back into 1818, pull up a seat in the classroom next to Charles Hodge, and listen as Professor Alexander teaches us about truth, God, the Bible, the covenant, and salvation. These lectures shaped and formed Charles Hodge. They can shape and form you, too." - Stephen J. Nichols, president of Reformation Bible College and chief academic officer of Ligonier Ministries