Beeke, Joel R. & Boorsma, Heidi
God's Alphabet for Life: Devotions for Young Children (Beeke & Boorsma)
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Using the alphabet as a guide, this book provides 26 devotional meditations for young children (ages 4–9), based on Bible texts that children can easily memorize. God’s Alphabet for Life stresses that, like adults, children must be born again, come by faith and repentance to the Lord Jesus Christ, and live lives of thankfulness to God for His great salvation.
Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan; editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth; editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books; and a prolific author.
Heidi Boorsma
“Here is a great resource for parents wondering where to start with training their children. I highly recommend God’s Alphabet for Life as an excellent tool for communicating truth your children will grow into and never outgrow.” - Tedd Tripp