Ash, Christopher
It has been said that 2 Corinthians 1:4 deserves to be written in letters of gold, for it is one of the hardest and noblest works in all Christianity to be able to bring divine comfort to others in trouble; and yet by sufferings God fits and prepares his people for this noble and difficult service.
Theodore L. Cuyler was thus divinely fitted for the great task of comforting God’s suffering people. Fourteen years after losing two of his children in their infancy, this one-time pastor of Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, New York, lost a daughter at the age of twenty-one. In the pain-filled months following this deeply felt bereavement he penned the short chapters that make up this little book. A bestseller when first published in 1882, its pages offer hope for the desponding, consolation for the bereaved, and light for those in darkness.
About the Author
Theodore Ledyard Cuyler (1822-1909) graduated from Princeton University in 1841 and from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1846, then became a pastor in Burlington, New Jersey. From 1853 he exercised a successful ministry as pastor of the Market Street Dutch Reformed Church in New York City, leading to his installation in 1860 as the pastor of the Park Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn, from which he oversaw the construction of the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church a block away, completed in 1862.The newly constructed church, under Cuyler’s leadership, became the largest Presbyterian Church in the United States – during his pastorate he received 4,460 members into the church, about 2,000 of whom were on confession of faith.