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Gospel Conversation: Conduct Worthy of the Gospel (Burroughs) - Paperback

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Soli Deo Gloria


Believers must pursue a holy life, and their conduct must be better than that of unbelievers. In his day, Jeremiah Burroughs was grieved to see that among professing Christians, a holy life was uncommon. Would his heart be similarly grieved if he were living today?

Burroughs judged the power of godliness to consist not in lofty speculation regarding theological minutia, but rather in a holy conversation, a holy conduct. He shows that to live a holy life, a Christian must first be acquainted with the root from which all holiness must spring. Unless we do all for and from Christ, our lusts will not be mortified, our duties will not be accepted, and our consciences will not be purified. We will not be strengthened against affliction; neither will we persevere. We must not be brought to glory in ourselves, but in Jesus Christ.

“Oh, it is an excellent thing to see the conversations of Christians in a due order, all guided with spiritual wisdom and holiness.”

 —Jeremiah Burroughs


Editor’s Preface

To the Reader 

Sermons on Philippians 1:27

“Only let your conversation be as becometh the gospel of Christ.”

Sermon 1

What Is the Gospel of Christ?

What Is it to Live as Becomes the Gospel?

Doctrine 1: Christians who profess the gospel must have a great care for their conversations


Arguments to Stir You Up


Sermon 2

Rules to Stir up Christians to Be Careful of Their Conversations

Doctrine 2: Every kind of conversation of professors is not enough. It must rise to that height as must be suitable to the gospel of Christ, meet for the gospel they profess.

Sermon 3

Two Considerations for Those Who Live under the Gospel

The Covenant of Works for Eternal Life

The Ministration of the Law by Moses

Life under the Gospel

Doctrine 3: If you would have your conversations to be such as becomes the gospel, it must be suitable to what the gospel holds forth unto you.

Eleven principles expounded in the gospel:

  1. The Infinite Love of God to Mankind

Sermon 4

  1. The Infinite Willingness of God to Be at Peace with Mankind
  2. The Infinite Mercy of God
  3. God’s Justice Shall Not Be Wronged
  4. God Is Set Upon Satisfying the Law

Sermon 5

  1. God’s Hatred of Sin
  2. The Great Price of Souls
  3. God Has Put Honor upon Human Nature

Sermon 6

  1. Our Conversation Should Be Suitable to Spiritual Worship
  2. The Spiritual Union We Have with Christ

Sermon 7

  1. The Great Change It Makes in a Man



Sermons on John 18:36

“Jesus answered and said, My kingdom is not of this world.”

Sermon 8

Christ Has a Kingdom.

Christ’s Kingdom Is a Different Kind of Kingdom

Sermon 9

The Privileges of the Kingdom of Christ


Why It Is Good the Kingdom of Christ Is Not of This World

Sermon 10


About Jeremiah Burroughs

A Summary of the Gospel

About the Author

Jeremiah Burroughs (1599–1646)

While Jeremiah Burroughs was loved for his preaching and gentle spirit, he was persecuted for his nonconformity to the Church of England. Forced to flee to Rotterdam, Holland for a time, he eventually returned to England and preached to congregations in Stepney and Cripplegate in London, two of the largest in England.