‘The whole unfolding Let’s Study series is a must for every Christian home that is serious about getting to know the Word.’ — COVENANTER WITNESS
When John Mark wrote out his ‘good news’ about Jesus two thousand years ago, his Gospel was a completely new kind of book. No one had ever written one before. In fact no one would have known what a Gospel was…What made the Gospel of Mark unique was this: it was not written merely as the memoir of Jesus as a great man, not even as the greatest man who had ever lived. Rather it was meant to persuade its readers that Jesus was the Son of God…Who is Jesus of Nazareth? What is the good news (gospel) about him?…This book presents us with Mark’s answer.’
The Gospel According to Mark
The Pattern of Mark’s Gospel
- In the Beginning (1:1-8)
- The Messiah (1:9-13)
- The Reign of God (1:14-20)
- A Startled Congregation (1:21-28)
- At Home (1:29-39)
- A Leper Cured (1:40-45)
- Only God Can Forgive Sins (2:1-12)
- Legalism or Holiness (2:13-17)
- Conflict Continued (2:18-22)
- Lord of the Sabbath (2:23-3:6)
- Hostility Abounds (3:7-12)
- The Twelve (3:13-19)
- The Greatest Sin of All (3:20-30)
- Christ’s True Family (3:31-35)
- Sowing in Different Soils (4:1-20)
- Lights and Seeds (4:21-34)
- Ruler of All Nature (4:35-41)
- Evil’s Bondage (5:1-13)
- Responses to Jesus (5:14-20)
- Twelve Long Years of Life (5:35-43)
- Twelve Brief Years of Life (5:35-43)
- Rejection in Nazareth (6:1-6a)
- Sent Out by Jesus (6:6b-13)
- A King Enslaved (6:14-29)
- The Faithful Shepherd (6:30-44)
- Jesus Meets All Needs (6:45-56)
- Men Without Grace (7:1-8)
- Hypocrites Exposed (7:9-16)
- Outside In, or Inside Out? (7:14-23)
- For All peoples (7:24-30)
- The Deaf Hear, the Dumb Speak (7:31-37)
- The Messiah’s Kingdom (8:1-13)
- No Bread! (8:14-21)
- The Second Touch (8:22-30)
- Who is Jesus? (8:27-30)
- Cross-bearers (8:31-38)
- Transfigured (9:1-10)
- What About Elijah? (9:9-13)
- Man’s Failure, Christ’s Faith (9:14-29)
- Understanding Jesus (9:30-37)
- Sons of Thunder (9:38-42)
- Christianity is Serious (9:43-50)
- Divorce (10:1-12)
- Children and the Kingdom of God (10:13-17)
- Rich, but Sad (10:17-22)
- All for Jesus (10:23-31)
- Towards Jerusalem (10:32-45)
- A Blind Beggar (10:46-52)
- Ride on in Majesty (11:1-11)
- Prophet, Priest and King (11:12-33)
- The Owner’s Son (12:1-12)
- The Opposition United (12:13-17)
- Question and Answer (12:18-27)
- The Greatest Commandment (12:28-34)
- Using God’s Word (12:35-44)
- A Widow’s Mite (12:35-44)
- Future Events (13:1-11)
- The Son of Man Comes (13:12-31)
- Be Prepared! (13:32-37)
- Love for Jesus (14:1-11)
- The Traitor (14:12-21)
- The Last Supper (14:22-26)
- Jesus’ Clear Sightedness (14:27-31)
- The Sacred Heart of Christ (14:32-42)
- Left Alone (14:43-52)
- Witnessing a Good Confession (14:53-65)
- The Crumbling Rock (14:66-72)
- Suffered Under Pontius Pilate (15:1-15)
- Behold Your King! (15:16-32)
- The Priest Sacrificed (15:33-41)
- The Grave of a Rich Man (15:42-47)
- Resurrection! (16:1-8)
- A Later Postscript (16:9-20)
About the Author
Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson is a Ligonier teaching fellow and distinguished visiting professor of systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. He previously served as the senior minister of the First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, S.C., and he has written more than two dozen books.