Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn
‘With the death of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones the most powerful and persuasive evangelical voice in Britain for some 30 years is now silent.’ So began an obituary for The Times in March 1981, written by John R.W. Stott. That Britain’s leading newspaper declined to accept the obituary was hardly surprising; the preacher at Westminster Chapel was scarcely in step with the celebrities of his age. But it is with more current assessments of Lloyd-Jones that this book engages. For some, he speaks directly to the current church situation. Dr. Mark Dever, of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington D.C., could say in 2007, ‘Martyn Lloyd-Jones is one of the men I admire most from the 20th century, and the longer time goes on, my admiration of him increases. He had a more profound spiritual vision than anyone else I know.’
Iain Murray is not here repeating biography but concentrating on three themes he regards as of major significance.
Murray seeks to follow Lloyd-Jones in seeing the glory of God as the end of all Christian life and thought.
Part 1
1. The Lloyd-Jones Legacies
2. Preaching and the Holy Spirit
3. The Evangelistic Use of the Old Testament
4. Skeletons in the Cupboard
5. Raising the Standard of Preaching: Notes of a Memorable Address
6. Lloyd-Jones and Spurgeon Compared
7. A Controversial Book: Joy Unspeakable: The Baptism with the Holy Spirit
8. ‘The Lost Leader’ or ‘A Prophetic Voice’?
Part 2
9. The End of the Puritan Conference: Lloyd-Jones to Packer
10. Some Convictions of Lloyd-Jones in Miniature
11. Inventory of the Lloyd-Jones Sermons
12. An Analysis of the Sermons on Ephesians
13. Is the Reformation Over? A Review
About the Author
Iain Hamish Murray, born in Lancashire, England, in 1931, was educated at Wallasey Grammar School and King William’s College in the Isle of Man (1945-49). From 1956 he was for three years assistant to Dr Lloyd-Jones at Westminster Chapel and there, with the late Jack Cullum, founded the Banner of Truth Trust in 1957. He left Westminster in 1961 for a nine-year pastorate at Grove Chapel, Camberwell. With the world-wide expansion of the Trust, Iain Murray became engaged full-time in its ministry from 1969 until 1981 when he responded to a call from St Giles Presbyterian Church, Sydney, Australia. Now based again in the UK, he and Jean live in Edinburgh.