Berkhof, Louis
Mindful of the great importance of the proper indoctrination of the young people of the church, Louis Berkhof wrote this comprehensive yet concise introduction to the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith from a Reformed perspective.
Basing this work on his own full-scale Systematic Theology, Berkhof summarizes the body of church doctrine, beginning with the doctrines of Scripture and God and proceeding through statements on anthropology, Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology.
Conveying profound theological exposition with exceptionally clear and simple language, Manual of Christian Doctrine is ideally suited for high school and college classes, for Bible classes and study groups, and for interested general readers. Study questions and suggestions for further reading follow each chapter, and the organization of the text in outline form is highly conducive to quick reference and review.
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. The Doctrine of God and His Creation
The Being of God
The Works of God
3. The Doctrine of Man in Relation to God
Man in His Original State
Man in the State of Sin
Man in the Covenant of Grace
4. The Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ
The Person of Christ
The Work of Christ
5. The Doctrine of the Application of the Work of Redemption
6. The Doctrine of the Church and the Means of Grace
7. The Doctrine of the Last Things
Individual Eschatology
General Eschatology
"It would be difficult to conceive of a more popularly constructed, accurate, and convenient handbook for the religious instruction of the young...Parents may feel assured that the religious teaching provided for their children is strictly Scriptural, and consequently is fitted to promote their spiritual welfare." - Evangelical Quarterly.
Louis Berkhof (1873 – 1957) was a Reformed systematic theologian whose written works have been influential in seminaries and Bible colleges in the United States and Canada and with individual Christians in general throughout the 20th century.