Bonar, Horatius
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The Night of Weeping expounds compassionately and beautifully a biblical view of suffering, showing how it is an integral part of belonging to God’s family, how to cope with it, and how it benefits the believer. The chapters on the purifying and solemnizing fruits of suffering are themselves worth the price of the book.
The Morning of Joy shows how God leads believers to rejoice in the present and future joys of the living church, particularly through fellowshipping with the resurrected Christ. The chapters on the majestic kingdom of Christ and the superlative joys of glory are most uplifting.
By the Spirit’s grace, both books can be life-changing; they present us with a clear, powerful, profound, and balanced view of the Christian life and of God’s dealings with His people. - Joel R. Beeke
Table of Contents:
The Night of Weeping
The Morning of Joy
Horatius Bonar was a well-known nineteenth-century minister called “the prince of Scottish hymn-writers,” and also a prolific writer of scriptural, practical, and experiential Christian literature.