Ferguson, Sinclair B.
“A vivid picture of how this earth matters to God—our work, our communities, and the physical world.”
—Scott B. Rae
Beginning with the creation of the heavens and earth and ending with the New Jerusalem, the storyline of Scripture reveals God’s commitment to the physical world that he created. Our final destiny is not some disembodied, heavenly existence but rather life with God on a renewed earth. How does this understanding of our future home affect our lives today? What role should Christians play in meeting physical needs? Are spiritual realities more significant than physical?
This book will help us understand God's eternal vision for the renewal of this earth and discover purpose in all of our daily, real-world endeavors, such as work, the arts, social justice, ecology, medicine, and more.
Table of Contents:
General Index
Scripture Index
“Combining pastoral, missional, and scholarly insights, Ian Smith wonderfully explores the little understood connection between the resurrection all Christians affirm and the New Creation all believers will enjoy. The result is Not Home Yet, a book with rich discussion of the interconnections of Scripture’s earliest and future themes and profound encouragement for all those who are still on their way to the home that Jesus Christ prepares for us.”
Bryan Chapell, Senior Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois
“Not Home Yet is a compact and powerful exposition of the Bible’s teaching on earth and God’s mission to it. I have never seen such a clear articulation of the theme of creation and re-creation anywhere. Ian Smith also deftly speaks about the practical ramifications that such a teaching has on our thinking and our actions. I highly recommend this book for all who are serious about understanding this central theme of the Bible.”
Tremper Longman III, Distinguished Scholar and Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies, Westmont College; author, Confronting Old Testament Controversies
“When we are away from home, we long for home. But where is home for the Christian? In this insightful biblical theology of ‘home,’ Ian Smith helps us see that this world, and even heaven (as an intermediate state), is not our home—we’re just passing through, as we await our eternal home of the new heavens and the new earth. A great book to be read for the journey home.”
Jonathan Gibson, Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary