Winslow, Octavius
In Our God, Octavius Winslow examines several of the perfections of God revealed to us in Scripture. Rather than advancing a comprehensive study on the attributes of God, Winslow limits his discussion to some of the moral perfections of God, such as His love, patience, comfort, and grace.
Table of Contents:
"Do you yearn to know God better? Read this book thoughtfully and prayerfully. "Our God" may well be Octavius Winslow's very best book, for what better subject can a believer desire to meditate on than the character of the triune God whom he loves, worships and fears? And who is better suited to expound the grandeur and to stammer about the infinity of such a subject than this author who always seems to write profoundly and winsomely about the most sacred themes with remark-able reverence and a commanding flow of language? This warmly experimental treatment of the attributes of God engages the mind and heart as no other that I have read on this glorious subject. Here is angel's food." - Joel R. Beeke.
Octavius Winslow (1808-1878) was born in London, England, and reared in New York. He was ordained as a pastor in 1833 and held pastorates in New York, Leamington Spa, Bath, and Brighton. A prolific author, his devotional writings exhibit his Reformed, experiential convictions and distinctive, warm, ardent style.