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Providence (Piper)

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The providence of God is his purposeful sovereignty by which he will be completely successful in the achievement of his ultimate goal for the universe. God’s providence carries his plans into action, guides all things toward his ultimate goal, and leads to the final consummation. Pastor and author John Piper draws on a lifetime of theological reflection, biblical study, and practical ministry to lead readers on a stunning tour of the sightings of God’s providence—from Genesis to Revelation—to discover the all-encompassing reality of God’s purposeful sovereignty over all of creation and all of history. Exploring the goal, nature, and extent of God’s purposes for the world, Piper offers an invitation to know the God who holds all things in his hands yet remains intimately involved in the lives of his people.

Read Chapter 1

Table of Contents

Introduction: Four Invitations

A Definition and a Difficulty
Chapter 1: What Is Divine Providence?
Chapter 2: Is Divine Self-Exaltation Good News?

Part 1: The Ultimate Goal of Providence
Section 1: The Ultimate Goal of Providence before Creation and in Creation
Chapter 3: Before Creation
Chapter 4: The Act of Creation

Section 2: The Ultimate Goal of Providence in the History of Israel
Chapter 5: Overview: From Abraham to the Age to Come
Chapter 6: The Exodus Unfolds
Chapter 7: Remembering the Exodus
Chapter 8: The Law, the Wilderness, and the Conquest of Canaan
Chapter 9: The Time of the Judges and the Days of the Monarchy
Chapter 10: The Protection, Destruction, and Restoration of Jerusalem

Section 3: The Ultimate Goal of Providence in the Design and Enactment of the New Covenant
Chapter 11: The Designs of the New Covenant
Chapter 12: Christ’s Foundational Act in Establishing the New Covenant
Chapter 13: The Entrance of Sin into Creation and the Glory of the Gospel
Chapter 14: The Glory of Christ in the Glorification of His People

Part 2: The Nature and Extent of Providence
Section 1: Setting the Stage
Chapter 15: Knowing the Providence of the God Who Is

Section 2: Providence over Nature
Chapter 16: The Loss and Recovery of a Theater of Wonders
Chapter 17: Earth, Water, Wind, Plants, Animals

Section 3: Providence over Satan and Demons
Chapter 18: Satan and Demons
Chapter 19: The Ongoing Existence of Satan

Section 4: Providence over Kings and Nations
Chapter 20: Israel’s Divine King Is King of the Nations
Chapter 21: Human Kingship and the King of Kings
Chapter 22: To Know and Rejoice That the Most High Rules

Section 5: Providence over Life and Death
Chapter 23: A Bath of Truth and the Gift of Birth
Chapter 24: “The Lord Has Taken Away; Blessed Be the Name of the Lord”
Chapter 25: We Are Immortal till Our Work Is Done

Section 6: Providence over Sin
Chapter 26: Natural Human Willing and Action
Chapter 27: Things We Know and Do Not Need to Know
Chapter 28: Joseph: God’s Good Meaning in a Sinful Act
Chapter 29: Israel Hated, Pharaoh Hardened, God Exalted, Helpless Saved
Chapter 30: Broken Families
Chapter 31: Deception and Dullness of Heart
Chapter 32: “Though He Cause Grief, He Will Have Compassion”
Chapter 33: A Wickedness God Especially Abhorred

Section 7: Providence over Conversion
Chapter 34: Our Condition before Conversion
Chapter 35: Three Biblical Pictures of How God Brings People to Faith
Chapter 36: Saving Faith as the Gift of Providence
Chapter 37: Driven Back to the Precious Roots of Election

Section 8: Providence over Christian Living
Chapter 38: Forgiveness, Justification, and Obedience
Chapter 39: God’s Command-and-Warning Strategy
Chapter 40: “Those Whom He Called . . . He Glorified”
Chapter 41: Blood-Bought Zeal for Good Works
Chapter 42: “Working in Us That Which Is Pleasing in His Sight”
Chapter 43: Killing Sin and Creating Love by Faith

Section 9: The Final Achievement of Providence
Chapter 44: The Triumph of Missions and the Coming of Christ
Chapter 45: New Bodies, New World, Never-Ending Gladness in God

Conclusion: Seeing and Savoring the Providence of God



John Piper is founder and lead teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. He served for thirty-three years as the pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is the author of more than fifty books.


“In what is perhaps his most important book so far, John Piper demonstrates with great cogency and exegetical skill that God’s providence ‘is his purposeful sovereignty in which he will be completely successful in the achievement of his ultimate goal for the universe.’ This book will enlarge your vision of God and thereby strengthen your faith.” - D. A. Carson, Cofounder and Theologian-at-Large, The Gospel Coalition

“John Piper, with his characteristic clarity and focus on the biblical text, shows us the pervasiveness of God’s providence in the Scriptures. Piper lingers over the biblical text, and we see in text after text that God rules over all of reality, from the smallest atom to horrific disasters. As we have come to expect from Piper, he turns our eyes to the infinite greatness and beauty of God, while reminding us that God’s providence constitutes amazing good news for those of us who know Jesus Christ.” - Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“There are many books by John Piper that I would recommend to believers because of the depth and freshness of thought in his writings. Providence will rank among the highest on the list. The breadth of God’s providence that is covered here is breathtaking. Piper leaves no stone unturned! Read it and see for yourself. This is a landmark work!” - Conrad Mbewe, Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka, Zambia

“While some see God’s hand only in miracles, and others don’t see his hand at all, providence is the wonderful truth that God is sovereign in and over everything that happens. Combining passion with a curious spirit, John Piper has cherished and proclaimed this truth throughout his ministry. This engaging book is not just about one doctrine, but ranges throughout the alpine vistas of God’s work in our world, our redemption, and our lives today. It is deeply faith invigorating.” - Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California

“In this remarkable book, John Piper reveals the personal side of sovereignty, helping us glimpse the intricate complexity, winsome beauty, and ultimate purpose of God’s plans in action. Piper is able to write about a multifaceted doctrine in a way that is easy to grasp and so practical!” - Joni Eareckson Tada, Founder, Joni and Friends International Disability Center

“John Piper’s magisterial book is a robust antidote to the weak view on God’s providence held by many Christians today. His exposition of the subject is thorough in scope and saturated with biblical insight. Piper is a model of the pastor-theologian as he not only describes providence but also shows how our understanding of providence can deepen our lives.” - Tremper Longman III, Distinguished Scholar and Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies, Westmont College

“With the publication of The Justification of God in 1983, John Piper showed that he was a man unflinching in his adherence to the sovereignty of God’s grace. Now, nearly four decades later, that adherence remains. This massive book affords food for thought in a way that will stretch the minds and hearts of its readers.” - Paul Helm, Former Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion, King’s College London

“This is a book about the providence of God, written by a man who has spent his life expounding the glory of God. This volume is substantial, as its subject matter demands. Piper moves from the time before creation to the second coming of Christ, showing that the providential acts of God are pervasive through time, circumstances, and people as he explains the staggering power of the self-sufficient God.” - Miguel Núñez, Senior Pastor, International Baptist Church of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

“By nurturing humility and assisting us to tremble at God’s word, John Piper’s Providence helps our eyes to catch the eye of the King in his awesome and terrifying beauty (Isa. 33:17; 66:2). He is not a safe lion, but he is good.” - Jason S. DeRouchie, Research Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

“John Piper’s careful exposition is coupled with insightful theological reflection and pastoral application. Here is hope when health fails, enemies assail, dreams unravel, relationships crumble, and calamities destroy. Here is strength for enduring difficulty, facing uncertainty, and overcoming anxiety. Here is the sweet experience of our Father’s bountiful goodness in the special care and conduct of his providence.” - J. Stephen Yuille, Vice President of Academics, Heritage College and Seminary; Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Piper has the gift of making complex ideas easily understandable. Under the general theme of providence, he deals with some of the most difficult themes of the Christian faith—the relation of God’s sovereignty to man’s decisions, the origin of evil, God’s use of evil people and the devil to accomplish his goals, and election. From a South American standpoint, where so many questions about God’s ways arise from a context of rampant neopentecostalism, health-and-wealth gospel, poverty, and corruption, this book is much needed.” - Augustus Nicodemus Lopes, Assistant Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Recife, Brazil; Vice President, Supreme Council, Presbyterian Church of Brazil

“In our profusely man-centered age, John Piper’s book heals the mind and soul with gospel truth. This is not just a theological work on God’s providence, but also pastoral guidance full of biblical yet practical wisdom. This book will help the modern generation of Christians enjoy the truth of God’s sovereign power and help those around them to stand on the solid foundation of the gospel instead of the shaky ground of human pride. Piper lights a radiant flame of God’s glory in the lighthouse of God’s love where people will find true hope in a raging ocean of errors and fears. His book is very relevant for residents of post-Soviet countries, who need to see the greatness and beauty of the true King and ruler of this world while committing themselves to building his kingdom for the spiritual prosperity of their nations for the glory of Christ!” - Evgeny Bakhmutsky, Pastor, Russian Bible Church, Moscow, Russia

“John Piper helps us see and savor God’s purposeful sovereignty by inductively demonstrating what the whole Bible teaches about its ultimate goal, its nature, and its extent.” - Andy Naselli, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament, Bethlehem College and Seminary; Elder, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis

“Through this magnum opus, John Piper leads hearts to joyful worship by unfolding the often-neglected doctrine of God’s providence. This book is both a textbook for serious students of theology as well as devotional reading for the layman. Read this book and worship the God who will achieve all his purposes for his glory and for the best of his elect.” - Matthias G. Lohmann, Chairman, Evangelium21; Pastor, Free Evangelical Church Munich-Central, Germany

“In my estimation, this book represents the most mature and the fullest biblical-theological reflections of John Piper. As a pastor and teacher, I’m often asked, ‘How can I reconcile what I know about God, man, and creation in the Bible with how I experience them?’ Thanks to Piper, I now have a definitive work to help me answer these questions. This book will move readers to delight in God and in his revealed reality as they wonder at God’s intended purpose for his creation.” - Biao Chen, Chinese Project Coordinator, Third Millennium Ministries

“John Piper’s works have always emphasized the glory of God and the joy of his people. Now Piper offers us a masterful treatise on the consoling doctrine of God’s providence, moving between biblical theology and systematic theology with precision and a deep knowledge of Scripture without losing focus on the pastoral aspects of such important biblical teaching. May the Lord of glory use this book for the edification and joy of his people!” - Franklin Ferreira, Academic Director, Martin Bucer Seminar, São José dos Campos-SP, Brazil

“John Piper skillfully shows how the truth of providence directly relates to diverse areas of theology. Providence mixes his thorough theological and biblical insights with more than forty years of pastoral ministry. It is a real treasure for the global church and will be a valuable resource for the church of God for years to come.” - Sherif A. Fahim, Lecturer in Systematic Theology and Biblical Studies, Alexandria School of Theology, Egypt; General Director, El-Soora Ministries

“John Piper unfolds the glorious doctrine of God’s providence throughout the Scriptures. This work feeds the mind and warms the heart as it brings the reader to contemplation and adoration.” - Pascal Denault, Pastor, Église Réformée Baptiste, Saint-Jérôme, Quebec; author, The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology