Selvaggio, Anthony
Popular-level introduction to key Reformers (Calvin, Luther, Melanchthon, Peter Martyr) and confessions (the Heidelberg Catechism, the Westminster Confession, the Canons of Dort).
A wonderfully written history of the Great Reformation. With the care of a scholar and the insights of professional maturity, Godfrey takes us on a journey into our heritage.--John D. Hannah
Edifying history at its best--a thorough grasp of cultural and political circumstances influencing the church, a keen understanding of the doctrinal issues at stake, and a deep concern for the ongoing reformation of the contemporary church.--Darryl G. Hart
Godfrey is a wise and engaging historian of the Reformation. His sketches provide a compelling introduction to the Reformers, showing their relevance of their lives and thought for Christians today.--Philip Graham Ryken