Calvin, John
Crucified and Risen: Sermons on the Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ (Calvin)
A Biblical Theology of Resurrection Hope from Genesis to Revelation
Death is a powerful and sobering reality. While everyone must face death, it is not the end for those united with Christ. Followers of Jesus Christ have resurrection hope—the proclamation that Christ has defeated death and the promise that believers shall share in his victory. The resurrection is essential to the Christian faith and is rooted in the faithfulness of God.
With scholarly insight, Mitchell L. Chase traces the theme of resurrection hope throughout Scripture, walking through each section of the Bible from the Law to Revelation. Having a proper understanding of death and resurrection will not only stir up our soberness for the reality of sin and death, but it will also motivate our praise to God.
“In this beautifully clear book, Mitchell Chase takes us through the entire biblical witness, showing that the resurrection is woven into the fabric of the entire narrative. Chase demonstrates that the promise of the resurrection isn’t confined to the New Testament but is clearly taught in the Old Testament as well. Our hope is for life after death—bodily, resurrected life—and we are reminded in this timely book that this hope is ours in Jesus Christ.”
Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“In one of the best contributions to the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series to date, Mitchell Chase clearly and succinctly presents what is at the heart of hope set before us in the gospel—unending, embodied, glorious resurrection life on a renewed earth—which is so much more than the hope of going to heaven when we die, anticipating a disembodied existence somewhere away from this earth. Significantly, this book shows how New Testament teaching about bodily resurrection is rooted in Old Testament stories and prophecies, helping readers to connect the dots from Genesis to Revelation.”
Nancy Guthrie, Bible teacher; author, Even Better than Eden
“‘The topic of resurrection hope is dear to my heart,’ says Mitchell Chase. And so too for me. As I live out my brief life here on earth, as I grapple with sin and temptation, as I endure pain and sickness, as I say farewell to so many I’ve loved and lost, the hope that sustains me—the only hope, really—is the death of death and the promise of resurrection. This wonderful book shows how the entirety of Scripture teaches that those who are in Christ can have every confidence that they will rise to everlasting life and everlasting joy in his presence. That makes this a book of encouragement, a book of blessing, and a book of hope.”
Tim Challies, author, Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God