Doriani, Daniel M.
Drawing from the great doctrinal heritage of the Reformed faith, Dan Doriani brings clarity and unique insight to the many practical lessons on Christian living and salvation found in book of Romans.
With verse by verse commentary, Doriani examines Paul’s message to the early church in Rome in detail, providing readers with historical, cultural, and biblical context for each chapter, along with structural analysis and theological lessons. This comprehensive commentary explores the core of Pauline theology, touching on themes of righteousness, church unity, justification, and the application of faith in our daily lives.
As the newest addition to the Reformed Expository Commentary Series, this book will teach and encourage all readers and inspire pastors in their own expository preaching ministry. An experienced pastor and theological scholar, Doriani includes personal and corporate applications that are helpful for church teachers, students, and professors alike.
Daniel M. Doriani (MDiv, PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary; STM, Yale Divinity School; Research Fellow, Yale University) is professor of theology and vice president at Covenant Theological Seminary. He is the founder and president of The Center for Faith and Work, St. Louis; a member of the Council of The Gospel Coalition; and a regular blogger. He was also a lead pastor for fifteen years.
“A commentary that is rich, accessible, and immensely helpful . . . full of deep theological insights gleaned from the original language and historical context . . . [and] packed with real-life applications and illustrations.”
—Courtney Doctor, Coordinator of Women’s Initiatives, The Gospel Coalition
“Blends exegetical insight, theological soundness, pastoral passion, and homiletical vividness. Doriani shows us how Paul’s magisterial epistle of the gospel of God’s grace addresses issues raised by biblical scholars . . . and practical challenges confronting all Christians.”
—Dennis E. Johnson, Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary California
“A commentary that is accessible and faithful to the content of this epistle. Enjoy the use of it and proclaim the message in it.”
—Harry L. Reeder III, Senior Pastor, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham
“The next time I teach through Romans, this exceptional resource will be my first go-to. I recommend the same for any other serious student of Scripture and follower of Christ.”
—Scott Sauls, Senior Pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church, Nashville
“Theologically rich, exegetically faithful, and pastorally applicable. Doriani’s excellent exegesis is sprinkled with stories that powerfully illustrate the truths presented. The world and the church desperately need to hear afresh the gospel of God in Jesus Christ, and Doriani presents it beautifully in all its richness and power.”
—Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Fresh in outlook, wise in counsel, and rich in illustration. . . . Doriani’s exposition channels Paul’s own zeal for God’s righteousness and the gospel’s potency. Among numerous recent Romans commentaries, this one stands out for its combining of scholarly rigor with pastoral experience and personal warmth.”
—Robert W. Yarbrough, Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary