Gale, Stanley D.
First appearing as articles in Evangelical Times, Seeing the Invisible tells the stories of ten ordinary Christians who exercised extraordinary faith in their God. None of these individuals is a famous name in Christian history, but their faith in, and devotion to, Christ encourages and inspires us to exercise similar faith in the same powerful God who enabled them to ‘endure as seeing him who is invisible’. The orginal articles have been expanded to include more background material and further details from the lives of these believers.
When John Bunyan asked Elizabeth to marry him he was inviting her to share not only his life but also his sufferings. Young Elizabeth would care for her new husband’s four children, and take the family through the dark period of persecution when John Bunyan was imprisoned. The story of Elizabeth’s strong faith and courage is recorded here, along the stories of nine other ordinary people of extraordinary faith. Among them a young child known to us only as Jane, a man who was willing to volunteer to be a slave for the sake of the gospel and a woman who served in Spurgeon’s church with such faithfulness that he called her his ‘best deacon.’ It is no surprise that Derek Prime says, my hope and prayer are that God may graciously use the inspiration of these ten lives… As we take a good look at the example of godly men and women, may their faithfulness instruct and inspire us.
Faith Cook, the daughter of OMF missionaries, was born in China and now lives in Derbyshire, England. She is the author of a number of books, including Fearless pilgrim: the life and times of John Bunyan; Lady Jane Grey, the nine-day Queen of England; Anne Bradstreet: pilgrim and poet; Seeing the invisible; And so I began to read… and three historical novels, Under the scaffold, Caught in the web and Stronger than the sword, all published by EP.