Servants of Christ, Lovers of Men: Spurgeon on Pastoral Ministry (DiPrima)
In the mid-to-late nineteenth century, Charles Spurgeon mentored and trained hundreds of men for ministry through his famous Pastors’ College. Servants of Christ, Lovers of Men brings together some of Spurgeon’s very best material on pastoral ministry, drawn from his classic works Lectures to My Students and An All-Round Ministry. His timeless wisdom and veteran counsel have served thousands of ministers of the gospel for 150 years. With original introductions to each address, along with illuminating footnotes throughout, this work presents Spurgeon at his very best to a new generation of pastors and aspiring ministers.
The Pastor’s Pastor
- The Minister’s Self-Watch
- The Call to the Ministry
- The Preacher’s Private Prayer
- Sermons—Their Matter
- The Minister’s Fainting Fits
- The Minister’s Ordinary Conversation
- Earnestness
- The Blind Eye and the Deaf Ear
- Forward!
- A New Departure
Scripture Index
“I can think of no better mentor from church history for pastors today than Charles Haddon Spurgeon. In his high view of ministry, love for God’s Word, commitment to the church, and countless other areas, he is a model of zeal, faithfulness, and perseverance. In this book, Alex has collected some of Spurgeon’s best teaching on pastoral ministry. Put it to work and introduce the next generation of pastors to a mentor they can learn from for the rest of their lives.”
Geoff Chang
Assistant Professor of Historical Theology, and Curator of the Spurgeon Library, MBTS; Author, Spurgeon, the Pastor: Recovering a Biblical and Theological Vision for Ministry.
“Pastor and Spurgeon scholar Alex DiPrima has served pastors and seminary professors, by putting together ten choice lectures by Charles Haddon Spurgeon from his classic works, Lectures to My Students and An All Around Ministry. The new formatting, helpful footnotes, and introduction to each lecture, gives pastors, professors, and mentors a tool to train the next generation for faithful gospel ministry. DiPrima’s introduction to the book will inspire pastors seeking to mentor men for ministry. I’ll be recommending Servants of Christ, Lovers of Men as a go-to book for pastoral training.”
Phil Newton
Director of Pastoral Care & Mentoring, Pillar Network; Visiting Professor of Pastoral Theology, SWBTS; Author, 40 Questions about Pastoral Ministry and Shepherding the Pastor.
“A ring’s setting does not enhance the beauty of a diamond. Rather, it ensures its beauty is visible. Servants of Christ, Lovers of Men does the same with selected works from Charles Spurgeon. This fresh look at some of the Prince of Preacher’s most helpful pastoral training materials will bless generation to come.”
Garrett Kell
Pastor of Del Ray Baptist Church, Alexandria, VA;
Author, Pure in Heart: Sexual Sin and the Promises of God
“DiPrima mines gold from the Spurgeon treasury and packages it uniquely in Servants of Christ, Lovers of Men. This book is unique because of its brilliant preface, “The Pastor’s Pastor,” the contextual essays leading each chapter, and numerous citations of sources that Spurgeon marshalled, many from the 19th century. The result? You will feel like you are beside Spurgeon in his study as he prepares these addresses and seated before him in his classroom as he delivers them. Excellent!”
Ray Rhodes
Pastor of Grace Community Church in Dawsonville, GA; Author, Susie: The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon and Yours, Till Heaven: The Untold Love Story of Charles and Susie Spurgeon
“With a judicious selection of Charles Spurgeon’s counsels to his fellow-pastors and preachers, thoughtfully introduced, Alex DiPrima brings the wisdom and experience of that gifted minister within our reach. For those unaware of Spurgeon’s output in this sphere, or daunted by its size and weight, this collection serves either as a taster or a refresher, offering to modern ministers the most widely-applicable and enduringly-relevant of Spurgeon’s pastoral guidance. Reading these lectures will not bestow upon you Spurgeon’s gifts, but should stir the same graces which he received and enjoyed, and help make your heart happy and your labour lively.”
Jeremy Walker
Pastor, Maidenbower Baptist Church, Crawley;
Host, From the Heart of Spurgeon podcast.