Serving With Calvin: Leading and Planning Services of Worship in the Reformed Church (Johnson)
Terry Johnson’s 2014 Worshipping with Calvin (EP Books) promised a follow-up work that would focus on implementation. Serving with Calvin is that work. Whereas Worshipping with Calvin argued for the revival of historic Reformed ministry and worship by focusing on its biblical, theological, and historical foundations, Serving with Calvin focusses on the nuts and bolts, the “how-to’s,” the application of historic Reformed ministry and worship today. Our hope is that many will be convinced that it can be done, and should be. The Word read, preached, sung, prayed, and seen is as effective today as it ever was. When practiced by faith, in the power of the Holy Spirit, ordinary means ministry may be the instrument by which Christ once again builds His church, against which even the gates of hell shall not prevail.
1. Introduction
Our vision
Building wisely
2. Preparing the Minister
Pastoral Leadership
3. Preparing the Services
General consideration
Public Services of Worship
Ordinary Means
Specific characteristcs
Means of Grace
Thanksgiving & Benediction
Form and Freedom
4. Administering the Elements – 1
Reading Scripture
What to Read
How to Read
What to Preach
1. Preach the lectio continua
2. Preach topically as prudence dictates
3. Preach grammatical-historical-redemptive sermons
4. Preach the text
5. Preach Chrstocentrically
6. Preach simple content
7. Begin preaching those books of the Bible that are the most accessible
8. Vary the sermon diet
How to preach
1. Preaching persuasively
2. Preach with urgency
3. Preach authentically
4. Review and repeat constantly
5. Apply the text throughout
6. Include exhortation
7. Explain the context but don’t dwell on it
8. Use quotations sparingly
9. Preach sermons of moderate length
5. Administering the Elements – 2
What to pray
How to pray
Criteria for evaluation
Practical Helps
6. Preparing the Setting
External Style
Interior Arrangement
Central Pulpit
Table and Font
Choir & Organ
The furnishings, decorations, and the arts
Devotional art
Decorative art
Illustrative & didactic art
Graphic art
Performing arts
Modern Innovations
Facilities & Appearances
Regarding buildings & grounds
Regarding members
Regarding the environment of the service
7. Preparing the Congregation
Savannah background
Savannah ministry
Ministry today
Getting there
Worship services
Inquirers’ Class
Officers’ Training Class
Pastor’s writings
Reformation & Heritage Sundays
8. Mistakes to Avoid
General concerns
Faith or presumption?
Faithfulness or failure?
Pace or imprudence
Specific concerns
Reverential or liturgical?
Depth or length?
Fervency or frequency?
Spirit or form?
Primary means or only means?
9. Epilogue: Final Considerations
Appendix A: Our Order of Service
Appendix B: Charts
Terry Johnson was born and raised in Los Angeles. He studied history at the University of Southern California, and also studied at Trinity College, Bristol, England, and Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, before earning his D.Min in 2008 from Erskine Theological Seminary. He is ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America and was assistant minister in Coral Gables, Florida, before moving to Savannah in 1987 to the Independent Presbyterian Church. Terry is the author/compiler of the Trinity Psalter, Leading in Worship, and The Family Worship Book. He is also author of The Case for Traditional Protestantism, Worshipping with Calvin, and other books including the trilogy When Grace Comes Home, When Grace Transforms, and When Grace Comes Alive. He and his wife, Emily, have five children.