Winslow, Octavius
Psalm 130 is perhaps the best known of all the Penitential Psalms. It contains the ardent prayer of a man who is distressed by a sense of God’s anger against sin: by an earnest, penitent turning to God, he longs for the forgiveness of his iniquities.
But this Psalm, perhaps more than any other, is also marked by a steady upward progression: depth; prayer; conviction; light; hope; waiting; watching; longing; confidence; assurance; universal happiness and joy.
Just as the barometer marks the rising of the weather, so each sentence of this Psalm records the progress of the soul.
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Octavius Winslow (1808–1878) was born in London, England, and raised in New York. He was ordained as a pastor in 1833 and held pastorates in New York, Leamington Spa, Bath, and Brighton. A prolific author, his devotional writings exhibit his Reformed, experiential convictions and distinctive, warm, ardent style.