EBOOK Sowing the Seed: Devotional Stories about Sharing the Gospel (Kleyn) - EBOOK
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A garden will never grow unless someone takes the time to plant seeds. Likewise, God has planned things so that people will not be saved from their sins unless someone shares the good news of Jesus Christ with them. Just like a seed planted in good soil brings forth a beautiful garden, God uses the gospel message to produce Christians fit for bearing spiritual fruit. In Sowing the Seed, children will read stories about people sharing the gospel with others. These stories about missions and evangelism reinforce the importance of sharing the gospel and encourage children to see the joy of telling others about Jesus.
1. A Faithful Pastor
2. Doing God’s Work
3. Shy Woman
4. George Whitefield
5. The Christian Traveler
6. The Gardener’s Glad Moment
7. Fillip
8. The Father Taught by His Child
9. The Convict
10. Pleading Tears
11. Little Indian Girl
12. The Widow’s Mite
13. Betsy Brown
14. College Friends
15. God Wants Our Best
16. Protection through Providence
17. The Man That Paid
18. In the Service of the Lord
19. Who Made It?
20. Timely Words
21. Wanting to Confess
22. The Living Word
23. Tears and a Tract
24. Spreading God’s Word
25. The Good One Penny Did
26. Real Christianity
27. A Faithful Witness
28. Raymond Jones
29. The Little School Boy’s Prayer Meeting
30. The Minister and the Gypsy Boy
31. Changed by the Gospel
32. George Whitefield and the Trumpeter
33. The Little Missionary
34. “With Whom Have You Been Talking?”
35. The Name of the Lord
36. A Minister Who Spoke the Truth
37. A Teacher’s Tear=
38. Little Brother’s Warning
39. Morning Prayer
40. The Despised Bible
41. Simple Efforts Blessed
42. Blessing for Food
About the Series:
The Lord’s Garden is a series of devotional stories for children. The stories are based on true happenings, gleaned from a variety of sources, and rewritten for contemporary readers. Each story accompanies a passage of Scripture, and is intended to illustrate that particular biblical truth. Some stories are shorter, some longer. However, all will capture the attention of children, and hopefully their hearts. Every story begins with a Scripture verse and ends with questions for understanding the story, further points to think about, and directions for prayer.
Books in the Series:
Vol. 1 — Taking Root: Devotional Stories about Conversion
Vol. 2 — Bearing Fruit: Devotional Stories about Godliness
Vol. 3 — Sowing the Seed: Devotional Stories about Sharing the Gospel
Diana Kleyn is a member of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is the mother of three children, and has a heart for helping children understand and embrace the truths of God's Word. She writes monthly for the children's section in The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth magazine, and is co-author with Joel R. Beeke of the series Building on the Rock.