MacLeod, Dayspring
Spiritual Mothering: The Titus 2 Model for Women Mentoring Women (Hunt)
Many churches lack a crucial element central to the flourishing of women: older women mentoring younger women. Using Titus 2 as a guide, seasoned author Susan Hunt casts a biblical vision of what the church can be when women invest in vibrant relationships with one another. Featuring inspiring stories from the Bible and from women today who have faithfully embraced Scripture’s command, this book offers readers an abundance of practical insights, ministry-tested how-to’s, and personal encouragement. Now featuring a new cover, this classic book will inspire a new generation of women to seek out the blessing of godly relationships that will encourage and equip them to live for God’s glory.
Susan Hunt is a mother, grandmother, pastor’s wife, author, and the former director of women’s ministries for the Presbyterian Church in America. Hunt has written a number of books, including Spiritual Mothering.
“I read this book about twenty years ago as a new Christian. Longing for a spiritual mother, I found Susan Hunt discipling me from these pages and stirring my heart to pour out to others what she had poured into me. I followed her example set forth in this book as I began to understand the importance of discipleship in the Christian life. Grounded in Scripture, wed to the local church, specific to women, personal, wise, hopeful, and engaging—this book will be both a ready reference for your discipleship of women and an encouragement to both young and old as you strive to live for God’s glory.”
Kristie Anyabwile, wife of Thabiti Anyabwile, Pastor, Anacostia River Church, Washington, DC; mom of three; discipler of women
“I do not know of anyone better qualified to write a book on spiritual mothering than Susan Hunt. This is a subject she has been passionate about and has modeled for many years. Susan has been an older woman in my life, and her example has encouraged me to embrace the calling of pouring my life into women of the next generation. No message could be more relevant, more needed, more rewarding, or more Christ-honoring for Christian women of all ages.”
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, author; Host, Revive Our Hearts
“In my thirty years of ministry, one of the most heartbreaking and eye-opening revelations I’ve had is that so many women have never experienced intentional discipleship through their local churches. I was poured into very consistently for four years when I was a university student through a campus organization, which laid the foundation for my spiritual life and ministry. How I would have loved for older women in the church to disciple me with that same intentionality and passion! Spiritual Motheringenters into the void with hope, practical teaching, and rich biblical encouragement for women of all ages to be nurtured in life-on-life relationships for the sake of the gospel. I am excited for Susan Hunt’s updated resource, which is filled with the timeless truth of God’s Word.”
Ellen Mary Dykas, women’s ministry coordinator, Harvest USA; author, Sexual Sanity for Women: Healing from Sexual and Relational Brokenness