Spurgeon's Forgotten Sabbatarianism: The Role of the Fourth Commanment in the Life of the Prince of Preachers (Rhea)
Brandon Rhea is a pastor, Ph.D. student in Historical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, and an ACBC certified Biblical counselor. He met his wife, Karies, while doing pulpit supply in 2013-14. In April 2016, he accepted the call to pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Kirksville, Missouri. He loves history and has a heart for street preaching and evangelism.
We believe in sola scriptura! But we also believe that Christ has been giving gifts to His church for these last 20 centuries. Indisputably, one of those gifts—and, indeed, one of the greatest of those gifts—was Charles Haddon Spurgeon. For us as Reformed Baptists, he ought to have the greatest respect that may be given to one of the pastor-teachers (Eph.4:11) given to Christ’s church. We ought to listen and learn when he speaks, and especially when he speaks on an issue so practically important as the Christian Sabbath.
Brandon Rhea has done the church a great service by reminding us in this book of Spurgeon’s confessional views of the Christian Sabbath and indeed of the law of God in general. May God give this book great influence for good!
Sam Waldron
Dean, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary
Pastor, Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Owensboro, Kentucky
Spurgeon was known as “The Prince of Preachers” and sometimes as “The Last of the Puritans.” As such, he held to the Puritan view of the Christian Sabbath as “The Market Day of the Soul.” Dr. Rhea has done a splendid job of presenting Spurgeon’s view on the subject, much of it in Spurgeon’s own words. He shows a remarkable knowledge of Spurgeon’s vast writings as well as the literature about him on this subject, some of it not well known. The book will be of interest both to fans of Spurgeon and those interested in the whole subject of the Christian Sabbath among Reformed Baptists.
Dr. Curt Daniel
Pastor, Faith Bible Church, Springfield, Illinois
Professor, Grace Bible Theological Seminary
I am thankful to see this book arrive, as Brandon Rhea’s research makes a fascinating and welcomed contribution to what we know about C. H. Spurgeon and his understanding of the Christian Sabbath. What Rhea shows is that there is still much more to enjoy and learn from Spurgeon as readers follow him as his life points to Christ. Spurgeon scholars and readers old and new will benefit from this book.
Jason G. Duesing
Provost, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
In Spurgeon’s Forgotten Sabbatarianism, scholar Brandon Rhea takes a deep dive into Spurgeon’s theology and practices regarding the Sabbath. You may disagree with some of Spurgeon’s conclusions, but you ought to face him, hear his arguments, and consider his appeal. I heartily commend this compellingly written and first-of-its kind book from Spurgeon expert Brandon Rhea.
Ray Rhodes, Jr.
Author of Susie: The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon & Yours, till Heaven
The biblical doctrine of the Christian Sabbath is often ignored, misunderstood, and even unknown by the modern church and, consequently, those to whom the church is to be salt and light. Brandon Rhea does us all an enormous favor by reminding and teaching us that one of the “heroes” of the church, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, was a Sabbath keeper par excellence. May this volume prove to be a catalyst in reigniting the fires of right Sabbath observance in our time.
T.C. Milton
Editor, Spurgeon’s Forgotten Sabbatarianism