Surprised by God: Lives Turned Upside Down (Cook)
There is no change more radical in the life of any person than that which comes about when they come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Every part of their being is touched, and at the deepest level. In these thrilling accounts, Faith Cook takes individuals from the sixteenth to the twentieth century and tells the story of how they were each in their turn ‘surprised by God.’
These wonderful and well-told stories will warm your heart and give you cause for praising the God who seeks out sinners. This is biography with it’s main focus in just the right place, told as it should be by a writer of whom Dale Ralph Davis said ‘I am tempted to say that no one can dig up saints like Faith Cook!’
- William Mackay
- William Clowes
- Grace Bennet
- Thomas Lee
- Joan Waste and William Hunter
- John Vanderkemp
- Marion Veitch
- John Cenneck
- Ruth Clark
- William Tennent
- David
Bibliography and suggested further reading
About the Author
Faith Cook, daughter of Stanley and Norah Rowe, missionaries of the China Inland Mission (now OMF), was born in north-west China. After missionaries were evicted from the country in 1951, she returned to the UK and attended Clarendon School in North Wales before proceeding to teacher training college in Bromley, Kent. She married Paul Cook in 1961, and they served several evangelical churches in the Midlands and Yorkshire before his retirement. They have a daughter, four sons and ten grandchildren, and now live in Breaston, Derbyshire.