The Blood of Jesus (Reid)
"The Blood of Jesus is the great and only theme in the following pages. May the Divine Spirit make them to every reader "the power of God unto salvation" (Rom. 1:16).
The author has purposely introduced extracts from various writers belonging to different denominations, that the anxious inquirer may enjoy the benefit of having saving truth presented to him in a variety of aspects, and may, at the same time, feel the moral effect of observing the perfect agreement of Spirit-taught Christians, in the different branches of Church of Christ, with regard to the one way of a sinner's acceptance with God, "By The Blood of Jesus".
This book was printed with the earnest prayer that the Holy Spirit would so bless it to all inquirers who read it, that they may "enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus" (Heb. 10:19), and learn to sing, "with joyful lips", the redemption-song:- "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen." (Rev. 1:5-6).
Table of Contents:
1. Forgiveness of Sins Through the Blood of Jesus
2. How our Sins are Taken away by the Blood of Jesus
3. The Blood of Jesus, not Conviction of sin, the Foundation of our Pace and Joy
4. A Letter about the Blood of Jesus
5. Salvation Through the Blood of Jesus, the Gift of God
6. The Blood of Jesus our Only Ground of Peace with God
7. Regeneration Through the Blood of Jesus
8. Faith in the Blood of Jesus Essential to Salvation
9. The Blood of Jesus the Believer’s Life and Peace
10. Faith in the Blood of Jesus the Spring of Holiness
11. The Blood of Jesus the Essence of the Gospel
12. The Holy Spirit’s Testimony to the Blood of Jesus
William Reid (1822–1881) was born in Rescobie, Forfar, Scotland. He married Mary Laird and had two daughters. He was a minister, author and editor. He edited “The British Herald,” “British Messenger” and the “British Evangelist.”