The Covenantal Life: Appreciating the Beauty of Theology and Community (Ivill)
Today, many of us have lost our appreciation of the beauty of covenant theology and covenant community, and this has had dire consequences for us, resulting in misunderstandings of theology and individualism and isolationism in the church.
Author Sarah Ivill believes that a key solution to this problem is a robust understanding of covenant theology, which will deepen our knowledge of Scripture and enable us to truly serve our sisters by pointing them to Christ.
In The Covenantal Life, the author clearly and concisely sets forth the beauty of covenant theology and covenant community and encourages us to learn sound doctrine so that we can think biblically about the circumstances in our lives—and then help our sisters in Christ to do so as well.
Part One: Appreciating the Beauty of Covenant Theology
1. I Can Think Straight
2. The Best Book Ever
3. All of Grace
4. The Heart of the Matter
5. But God
Part Two: Appreciating the Beauty of Covenant Community
6. A Different Kind of Community
7. From Life Taker to Life Giver
8. Speaking the Truth in Love
9. A Mandate and a Mission
10. The City That Is to Come
“In The Covenantal Life, Sarah Ivill again provides a gift to build up the body of Christ. She weaves together solid Bible study, biblical history, and sound doctrine. Her intent is to provide the reader with a clear picture of the big story of Scripture and the implications of that story for the lives of professing believers. Sarah provides more than just information to stimulate your thinking; she challenges readers to live out the doctrine of Scripture in a way that demonstrates the genuine community found in the body of Christ. This book would be valuable to any group or church that desires to build a community of love on a solid biblical foundation.”
—Stephen Estock, Coordinator, PCA Discipleship Ministries
“The Covenantal Life adorns the multifaceted splendor of covenant theology and covenant life. This resource is designed to help women think biblically and live covenantally. I heartily recommend this covenant primer because it makes these doctrines accessible and easily transferable.”
—Karen Hodge, Women’s Ministry Coordinator for the PCA and author of Transformed: Life-Taker to Life-Giver
“I’m staring at my office bookshelves and noticing that I do not have one book about covenant theology written by a woman. Leave it to Sarah Ivill to be the first to write one. Sarah’s The Covenantal Life is clear and compelling, and it reignited my love for the beauty of Christ seen in covenant theology. Not only does it give us a thorough understanding of covenant theology but even more, it gives us a practical look at how this truth works itself out at the street level of our lives. This is required reading for all women leading a Bible study or small group who long to see Christ in all of the Bible as they disciple others.”
—Kari Stainback, Director of Women’s Ministries, Park Cities Presbyterian Church
“Covenant theology and covenant community are inseparable. Our theology explains who God is, who we are, and why we do what we do; and our communal life demonstrates in live action what we believe. There is a beautiful unity that flows from theology to life, and that’s because God is the progenitor of both. As Christians, we show the world that we love because He first loved us. Sarah Ivill puts it all together for us in this accessible study. Thank you, Sarah. If you are a Bible teacher in your church, if you want to be grounded in the truth, if you want to train others to know and love and teach the Bible, then you will be grateful to Sarah for providing in this book the foundation for understanding the connecting threads of the theology of the Bible and biblical living that flows from it. In this volume she rightly joins theology and life to show the undeniable truth that how we think determines how we act.”
—Donna Dobbs, Director of Christian Education, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi
About the Author
Sarah Ivill (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary) is a Reformed author, wife, stay-at-home mom, Bible study teacher, and conference speaker who lives in Matthews, North Carolina, and is a member of Christ Covenant Church (PCA).