Haldane, Robert
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Table of Contents:
1. The General Importance of Sabbath
2. The Importance of God’s Day of Worship
3. The Presuppositions of Isaiah 58:13–14
4. Revisiting Isaiah 58:13–14
5. Worldliness
6. What Is Missing?
7. The Reformed Application of the Law
8. Some General Practical Observations
9. Legalism?
10. The Eternal Sabbath
Appendix 1: Warfield on Foundations of the Sabbath
Appendix 2: Review of Jay Adams’s Keeping the Sabbath Today?
“In the last fifteen years, there has been renewed interest in the nature and purpose of the fourth commandment and what many refer to as the Puritan Sabbath. By God’s grace a conversation has begun that is helping many come to a fuller appreciation for and use of the Lord’s Day. Pastor Ryan McGraw’s voice in the conversation needs to be heard. As he says, ‘I have sought to address what I believe to be the primary underlying issues behind the widespread neglect of the Sabbath day.’ Pastor McGraw’s book is chock-full of biblical insights, freshly applied to the issue of the Christian Sabbath. I have been helped by the book and know that each one who reads it will be as well.” — Joseph A. Pipa Jr., President, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
“Far too many Christians only believe in nine commandments. The command to keep a day of rest on which to worship our triune covenant Lord is deemed as irrelevant or no longer binding. Providing helpful exegesis and theological consideration, Ryan McGraw gives the church important reasons to recover the abiding validity and necessity of the fourth commandment. Far from being legalistic, McGraw’s treatment encourages all Christians to find worship, rest, and a foretaste of heaven to come on each and every Lord’s Day.” — J. V. Fesko, Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Systematic Theology Westminster Seminary California
“Ryan McGraw has written a very fresh pastoral teaching on Sabbath observance in his new book, The Day of Worship. He gives us important principles from Scripture for understanding the Christian Sabbath. The book is convincing in its argument that much of what lies behind a dislike of the Sabbath is a tragic love of this world. Practical helps abound for the keeping of the fourth commandment.
“The Day of Worship does not merely rehash other works on the topic that are available today. If you are well-read on the Sabbath you will find here supplemental material to strengthen your own godliness.” — Walter J. Chantry, author of Call the Sabbath a Delight
About the Author
Ryan M. McGraw is pastor of First Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Sunnyvale, California; research associate, University of the Free State; and adjunct professor of systematic theology, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.