The Doctrine & Practice of Holiness: A Biblical and Historical Overview (Hulse) - Erroll Hulse Collection
There is a very real danger that Christians can fall into extremes when considering holiness. Some so emphasize the sovereign grace of God that they neglect the quest for holiness. Others believe that perfection can be attained in this life, but they burn out in the attempt to achieve it.
Erroll Hulse approached this subject as an experienced pastor. He shows that the whole Bible teaches a consistent and practical message about holiness. He explains God's design for sanctification, and how he provides every practical means to that end. He also highlights some of the best and most helpful teaching of some of the leading figures in church history. he gives many practical applications for the modern reader.
Reading this book will equip the Christian believer to understand the relationship between justification and sanctification, and to live a life of love to God and of fruitful service to others.
Errol Hulse (1931-2017) was born in South Africa, graduated in architecture, and later studied at London Bible College. In 1957 he co-founded The Banner of Truth with Iain H. Murray. He was the founding editor of Reformation Today and was pastor of Cuckfield Baptist Church from 1962-1984. After that, he was primarily engaged in worldwide ministry, preaching at conferences and in churches in Asia, Europe, the Americas and Africa. He wrote many books, including Give Him No Rest: A Call to Prayer for Revival, Introduction to the Baptists, Testimony of Baptism, and Who Are the Puritans?
"Holiness is the heartbeat of true Christianity. Christ died to make His church holy. Yet holiness is also widely misunderstood, both in its causes and character. The reprint of Erroll Hulse's excellent book on this subject is sorely needed as it brings clarity and sanity to this precious topic. His book is a road map to walk the narrow way that leads to life." -Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan and co-author of "A Radical Comprehensive Call to Holiness