Witherspoon, Thomas Dwight
The Five Points of Amillennialism maintains that a right view of end times is founded upon a right view of the “bigger picture,” the storyline of Scripture. The grand narrative of the Bible displays that the Abrahamic covenant, Davidic covenant, New Covenant, and Second Coming all find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ. He is the key that holds together the various threads of Scripture—and he alone is the key to properly understanding and making sense of the often dizzying, complex maze of “final things.” Rather than an offering of an endless series of charts, understanding amillennialism involves five simple points.
Jeffrey D. Johnson is the pastor of Grace Bible Church and president of Grace Bible Theological Seminary in Conway, Arkansas, where he resides with his wife, Letha, and their four children. He has authored numerous books, including What Every Christian Needs to Know about Social Justice, The Church, and The Pursuit of Glory.
"Jeffrey Johnson helps us to step back and see the big picture that the Bible paints of God’s plan for human history. As a result, we can see clearly that God fulfills his promises to Abraham, Israel, and David in his blessings upon Jesus Christ and the people in union with Him—Jew or Gentile, now and forever. That is what amillennialism teaches. And when you see the big picture, it is much easier to fit the individual pieces into place." — Joel R. Beeke
"Jeffrey Johnson has provided an outstanding introduction to biblical eschatology. The Five Points of Amillennialismis a solid, biblical-theological treatment of the major themes of eschatology. Personally, I will use this very readable book as a tool to introduce people to a biblical eschatology that exalts the resurrected and reigning King, Jesus Christ." — Brian Borgman