EBOOK The God Who Hears: How the Story of the Bible Shapes Our Prayers (Ivill) - EBOOK
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Author Sarah Ivill contends, “As we study prayer through the lens of the unfolding story of Scripture, it will teach us how to pray, but more importantly it will reveal the Covenant God to whom we pray.” And just such an endeavor provides the foundation and motivation necessary to enrich our prayer life. See how Old Testament prayers find their fulfillment and transformation in Christ. Discover boldness and joy in prayer because Christ is the high priest who gives us access to the throne of grace. Moreover, look forward to an eternity in which our prayers will consist of unhindered praise.
Table of Contents:
A Note from Sarah
Introduction to Biblical Theology
1. The Lord Who Calls: From Creation to the Fall
2. The Lord Who Is Worthy to Be Called On: From the Fall to the Flood
3. The God Who Is Faithful: From the Flood to the Patriarchs
4. The God Who Remembers: From the Patriarchs to Moses
5. The Lord God Who Hears: From Moses to David and Solomon
6. The Lord Who Is Trustworthy: From Solomon to the Exile
7. The God Who Forgives: From the Exile to the Return to the Land
8. The Lord Who Prays: The Inauguration of the Kingdom
9. The Lord Who Is with Us by His Spirit: The Inter-advent Age
10. The Lord Who Is Coming Soon: The Consummation of the Kingdom
Sarah Ivill (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary) has been leading, teaching, or writing women’s Bible studies since she was eighteen, a Reformed author, wife, stay-at-home mom, and conference speaker who lives in Matthews, North Carolina, and is a member of Christ Covenant Church (PCA). She has served at the Howard G. Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership, in Bible Study Fellowship, and as director of women’s ministry in the church. She is also the author of Broken Cisterns: Thirsting for the Creator Instead of the Created, Never Enough: Confronting Lies about Appearance and Achievement with Gospel Hope, The Covenantal Life: Appreciating the Beauty of Theology and Community and the Head, Heart, Hands Bible study series.
“Sarah Ivill has put together a wonderful study on prayer. Her unique biblical-theological approach to prayer not only reminds us how to pray but even more shows us the God of the Bible to whom we pray. This study will introduce readers to the redemptive story line of the Bible, the God who saves, and the practice of prayer. If you’re looking to deepen your prayer life, The God Who Hears will be a great tool.” —Tom Groelsema, executive pastor, Christ Covenant Church, Matthews, North Carolina
“If we didn’t believe that God hears our prayers and that our prayers really do make a difference, why would we even bother to pray? But who is the God who hears our prayers? What moves Him? What kinds of things does He want us to talk to Him about? In this book, Sarah Ivill works her way through the story of the Bible, showing that a mark of God’s people has always been pouring out our hearts to God in prayer. Along the way, she encourages us to become people who increasingly find prayer to be a resource and refuge.” — Nancy Guthrie, author of What Every Child Should Know about Prayer