The Godly Man's Picture - Puritan Paperbacks (Watson)
Few preachers in the Puritan era (or any other period of church history) match Thomas Watson for his ability to combine rich spirituality, nourishing doctrine and sane wisdom with fascinating illustrations and a pleasant style. Watson is remembered chiefly for his posthumously published Body of Practical Divinity (reprinted by Banner of Truth in three volumes). But his extant sermons also include this marvellous series on the character of the Christian. It is, as C.H. Spurgeon said of his other work, a happy union of sound doctrine, heart-searching experience and practical wisdom.
Watson is always the essence of sanity and reliability. But in addition, this work shows how attractive the grace of God is. Christians of all stages, reading it for the first time, will feel as if they have entered the gallery of a great portrait painter. As his sub-title suggests, Watson works with a Scripture pencil in this priceless sketch of the true believer.
1. "For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee" (Ps. 32:6)
2. Expounding the Nature of Godliness
3. A Reproof to Such as are Only Pretenders to Godliness
4. Showing the Characteristics of a Godly Man
(i) A Man of Knowledge
(ii) A Man Moved by Faith
(iii) A Man Fired With Love
(iv) A Man Like God
(v) A Man Careful About the Worship of God
(vi) A Man Who Serves God not Men
(vii) A Man Who Prized Christ
(viii) A Man Who Weeps
(ix) A Man Who Loves the Word
(x) A Man Who Has the Spirit of God Residing in Him
(xi) A Man of Humility
(xii) A Man of Prayer
(xiii) A Man of Sincerity
(xiv) A Heavenly Man
(xv) A Zealous Man
(xvi) A Patient Man
(xvii) A Thankful Man
(xviii) A Man Who Loves the Saints
(xix) A Man Who Does Not Indulge Himself in Any Sin
(xx) A Man Who is Good in His Relationships
(xxi) A Man Who Does Spiritual Things in a Spiritual Manner
(xxii) A Man Thoroughly Trained in Religion
(xxiii) A Man Who Walks With God
(xxiv) A Man Who Strives to Be an Instrument for Making Others Godly
5. Two Conclusions About the Characteristics of a Godly Man
6. An Exhortation to Godliness
(i) Let Men Seriously Weigh Their Misery While They Remain in a State of Ungodliness
(ii) What Rare Persons the Godly Are
(iii) To Strive for Godliness is Most Rational
(iv) The Excellence of Godliness
(v) There Are Only a Few Godly
(vi) Consider How Vain and Contemptible Other Things Are, About Which Persons Void of Godliness Busy Themselves
7. Prescribing Some Helps to Godliness
8. An Exhortation to Persevere in Godliness
9. Motives to Persevere in Godliness
10. Counsel for the Godly
11. Comfort to the Godly
12. Showing the Mystic Union between Christ and the Saints
About the Author
Thomas Watson (c. 1620-1686) was a Puritan preacher and author during the English Revolution and the Act of Uniformity. Watson’s works are a legacy that have continued to be a blessing to those who love sound, heart-searching exposition of the Scriptures.