Joel R. Beeke, David W. Hall, and Michael A. G. Haykin
In this short book David Hall provides the reader with a soaring yet succinct account of John Calvin and his subsequent influence in world history. Hall provides a positive appreciation of the life of Calvin for those who will be remembering the 500th anniversary of his birth.
Table of Contents:
Ten Ways Modern Culture Is Different because of John Calvin
1. Education: The Academy
2. Care for the Poor: The Bourse
3. Ethics and Interpretation of the Moral Law: The Decalogue
4. Freedom of the Church: The Company of Pastors
5. Collegial Governing: The Senate
6. Decentralized Politics: The Republic
7. Parity among All Professions: The Doctrine of Vocation
8. Economics and Profit: The Invisible Hand
9. Music in the Vernacular: The Psalter
10. The Power of Publishing Ideas: The Genevan Presses
John Calvin: A Life Worth Knowing
1. Calvin’s Life
2. Calvin’s Friendship
3. Calvin’s Death
Tributes: Measuring a Man after Many Generations
1. Baptists
2. Anglicans
3. Independents
4. Methodists
5. Roman Catholic
6. Conclusion
"David Hall has gifted us with an innovative, succinct book on John Calvin and his influence on church and society in everything from education and benevolent assistance to politics and economics...Some sections, such as Hall's description of Calvin's humility, are the finest I've read in all of Calvin literature. For a quick yet informative read about Calvin and his massive influence in the church and the world, this is the book." - Joel R. Beeke, president Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids
"This gem of a book is the perfect intordction to John Calvin on the 500th anniversary of his birth. Typical errors and caricatures are gently debunked. More importantly, David Hall shows us how so many of the blessings of moder life we take for granted are the leagcy of the Genevan Reformation...Most of all, in this marvelous book Calvin's humanity is revealed; he even becomes our friend." - William Edgar, professor of apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
"David W. hall makes many bold claims about the influence of John Calvin...amd then provides the evidence to back up those claims. As a pastor who has read widely and deeply on his subject, Dr. Hall provides a postive appreaciation of Calvin's life and influence for this celebrating the 500th anniversary of his birth." - William S. Barker, professor of church history emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary.
David W. Hall was senior pastor of Midway Presbyterian Church in Powder Springs, Georgia, from 2003 to 2008. He founded the Kuyper Institute and the Center for the Advancement of Paleo-Orthodoxy in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, in 1994.