The Sufficiency of Scripture for All of Life (Weeks)
Even though Scripture is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, there is much confusion on the doctrine of Scripture. This has led to its inspiration and authority becoming an area of debate. Here, in this new and comprehensive study, Dr. Weeks brings his multi-disciplinary learning to bear on the question of the sufficiency of Scripture.
The author believes that the debate about the Bible has shifted its centre of gravity in recent years. The older distinctions between fundamentalist and modernist, evangelical and liberal, have become obsolete as more subtle distinctions have emerged. In view of this, The Sufficiency of Scripture deals with such diverse issues as revelation, translation, creation, prophecy, and the role of women in the church. Dr. Weeks provides careful analysis of the biblical teaching in these areas, giving ‘depth criticism’ of much of the superficial and false thinking expressed in some contemporary discussions of these questions.
The Sufficiency of Scripture combines unusually wide learning with radical criticism. Thorough in its approach, instructive in its handling of material, it is deeply provocative and provides a unique contribution to the modern debate on the Bible. Noel Weeks’ contentions cannot be ignored by Christians who take seriously their commitment to the Bible as the Word of God.