The Works of John Owen, Vol. 10: The Death of Christ
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Despite his other achievements, Owen is best famed for his writings. These cover the range of doctrinal, ecclesiastical and practical subjects. They are characterized by profundity, thoroughness and, consequently, authority. Andrew Thomson said that Owen 'makes you feel when he has reached the end of his subject, that he has also exhausted it.'
Although many of his works were called forth by the particular needs of his own day they all have a uniform quality of timelessness. Owen's works were republished in full in the nineteenth century. Owen is surely the Prince of the Puritans. 'To master his works', says Spurgeon, 'is to be a profound theologian.'
Table of Contents:
Epistle Dedicatory, | 5 | |
To the Christian Reader, | 8 | |
Θεομαχίας Αύτεξονσιαστιχής specimen, | 10 | |
I | Of the two main ends aimed at by the Arminians, by their innovations in the received doctrine of the reformed churches, 11 | 11 |
II | Of the eternity and immutability of the decrees of Almighty God, denied and overthrown by the Arminians, | 14 |
III | Of the prescience or foreknowledge of God, and how it is questioned and overthrown by the Arrninians, | 22 |
IV | Of the providence of God in governing the world diversely, thrust from this pre-eminence by the Arminian idol of free will, | 30 |
V | Whether the will and purpose of God may be resisted, and he be frus- trate of his intentions, | 43 |
VI | How the whole doctrine of predestination is corrupted by the Arminians, | 53 |
VII | Of original sin and the corruption of nature, | 68 |
VIII | Of the state of Adam before the fall, or of original righteousness, | 82 |
IX | Of the death of Christ, and of the efficacy of his merits, | 87 |
X | Of the cause of faith, grace, and righteousness, | 100 |
XI | Whether salvation may be attained without the knowledge of, or faith in, Christ Jesus, | 108 |
XII | Of free-will, the nature and power thereof, | 114 |
XIII | Of the power of free- will in preparing us for our conversion unto God, | 123 |
XIV | Of our conversion to God, | 129 |
OR, | ||
Epistle Dedicatory, | 145 | |
Two Attestations touching the ensuing Treatise, | 147 | |
To the Reader, | 149 | |
BOOK I. | ||
I | In general of the end of the death of Christ, as it is in the Scripture proposed, | 157 |
II | Of the nature of an end in general, and some distinctions about it, | 160 |
III | Of the agent or chief author of the work of our redemption, and of the first thing distinctly ascribed to the person of the Father, | 163 |
IV | Of those things which in the work of redemption are peculiarly ascribed to the person of the Son, | 174 |
V | The peculiar actions of the Holy Spirit in this business, | 178 |
VI | The means used by the fore-recounted agents in this work, | 179 |
VII | Containing reasons to prove the oblation and intercession of Christ to be one entire means respecting the accomplishment of the same proposed end, and to have the same personal object, | 182 |
VIII | Objections against the former proposal answered, | 187 |
BOOK II. | ||
I | Some previous considerations to a more particular inquiry after the propel end and effect of the death of Christ, | 200 |
II | Containing a removal of some mistakes and false assignations of the end of the death of Christ, | 203 |
III | More particularly of the immediate end of the death of Christ, with the several ways whereby it is designed, | 208 |
IV | Of the distinction of impetration and application… | 222 |
V | Of application and impetration, | 232 |
BOOK III. | ||
I | Arguments against the universality of redemption… | 236 |
II | Containing three other arguments, | 240 |
III | Containing two other arguments from the person Christ sustained in this business, | 246 |
IV | Of sanctification, and of the cause of faith, and the procurement thereof by the death of Christ, | 249 |
V | Being a continuance of arguments from the nature and description of the thing in hand; and first, of redemption, | 258 |
VI | Of the nature of reconciliation, and the argument taken from thence, | 261 |
VII | Of the nature’ of the satisfaction of Christ, with arguments from thence, | 265 |
VIII | A digression, containing the substance of an occasional conference concerning the satisfaction of Christ, | 274 |
IX | Being a second part of the former digression-Arguments to prove the satisfaction of Christ, | 279 |
X | Of the merit of Christ, with arguments from thence, | 286 |
XI | The last general argument, | 290 |
BOOK IV. | ||
I | Things previously to be considered, to the solution of objections, | 294 |
II | An entrance to the answer unto particular arguments, | 316 |
III | An unfolding of the remaining texts of Scripture produced for the confirmation of the first general argument for universal redemption, | 330 |
IV | Answer to the second general argument for the universality of redemption, | 343 |
V | The last argument from Scripture answered, | 359 |
VI | An answer to the twentieth chapter of the book entitled, “The Universality of God’s Free Grace,” etc… | 368 |
VII | The removal of other remaining objections, | 404 |
Some few Testimonies of the Ancients, | 422 | |
An Appendix, in reply to Mr Joshua Sprigge, | 425 | |
To the Reader, | 431 | |
I | The occasion of this discourse, with the intendment of the whole, | 435 |
II | An entrance into the whole-Of the nature of the payment made by Christ, with the right stating of the things in difference, | 437 |
III | The arguments of Grotius, and their defence by Mr Baxter, about the penalty undergone by Christ in making satisfaction, considered, | 442 |
IV | Farther of the matter of the satisfaction of Christ; wherein is prayed that it was the same that was in the obligation, | 446 |
V | The second head; about justification before believing, | 449 |
VI | Of the acts of God’s will towards sinners antecedent and consequent to the satisfaction of Christ-Of Grotius’ judgment herein, | 451 |
VII | In particular of the will of God towards them for whom Christ died, and their state and condition as considered antecedaneous to the death of Christ and all efficiency thereof, | 454 |
VIII | Of the will of God in reference to them for whom Christ died. immediately upon the consideration of his death; and their state and condition before actual believing in relation thereunto, | 457 |
IX | A digression concerning the immediate effect of the death of Christ, | 459 |
X | Of the merit of Christ, and its immediate efficacy What it effecteth- In what it resteth; with the state of those for whom Christ died in reference to his death, and of their right to the fruits of his death before believing, | 462 |
XI | More particularly of the state and right of them for whom Christ died, before believing,. | 465 |
XII | Of the way whereby they actually attain and enjoy faith and grace who have a right thereunto by the death of Christ, | 468 |
XIII | The removal of sundry objections to some things formerly taught about the death of Christ, upon the principles now delivered, | 471 |
To the Public, | 483 | |
Epistle Dedicatory, | 484 | |
The Preface to the Reader, | 486 | |
PART I | ||
I | The introduction-The design of the work-Atheists-The prolepsis of divine justice in general… | 495 |
II | The universal justice of God… | 500 |
III | A Series of arguments in support of vindicatory justice – First from the Scriptures. A second argument is taken from the general consent of mankind… | 512 |
IV | The origin of human sacrifices… | 525 |
V | The third argument-This divine attribute demonstrated in the works of providence. The fourth argument-Vindicatory justice revealed in the cross of Christ… | 541 |
VI | Another head of the first part of the dissertation… | 549 |
VII | The third argument-The non- punishment of sin is contrary to the glory of God’s justice… | 554 |
PART II. | ||
VIII | Objections of the adversaries answered… | 561 |
IX | CRELLIUS taken to task… | 564 |
X | The opinion of SOClNUS con |