Robinson, John
The Works of John Robinson, Pastor of the Pilgrim Fathers with a Memoir and Annotation by Robert Ashton
The republication of John Robinson’s Works is both timely and significant. It is timely, because the year 2009 marks the four hundredth anniversary of the Pilgrims’ arrival in Leyden where their Pastor, John Robinson, would have his most influential impact upon them as a church. It is also significant because John Robinson is the indisputable link between the doctrines of John Calvin and the seed of self-government practiced by the Pilgrims in both their ecclesiastical and civil affairs.
“Search the Scriptures” is the lesson that is revealed throughout the pages of Volume One; namely, that as Americans in general, and as clergy in particular. In the Memoirs portion, Robinson’s love of the Bible as the sole standard for truth is revealed throughout his life.
In the section Dr. Allen’s Descendants of Robinson will reveal that the legacy left by Robinson in England, Holland and America is significant.
In the section Essays, John Robinson has given to us sixty-two short sermons regarding topics of doctrine and Christian practice. Topics include the Bible, Riches, Death and Prayer.
The final section Defense of the Doctrine, Robinson provides a defense for the conclusions of the Synod of Dort.
Volume 1
Dr. Allen’s Descendants of Robinson
Essays, or Observations Divine and Moral
Defense of the Doctrine propounded by the Synod of Dort
John Robinson (1576–1625) was the pastor of the "Pilgrim Fathers" before they left on the Mayflower for the Americas. He became one of the early leaders of the English Separatists , or Brownists , and is regarded as one of the founders of the Congregational Church.