Wetherell, Kristen
Christian parents have a responsibility to make sure their children know and love God's Word. But what if you struggle as a parent to read the Bible yourself. How can you pass a love for God's Word along to your children if you struggle with it yourself? That was Carrie Ward's story. Until God gave her a plan to help her develop a consistent time in the Word, right along with her children. Readers will walk together with Carrie Ward, an everyday mama, as she journeys through the Bible with her small children one chapter a day. As her children re-enact the Bible stories readers will be able to see Scripture through the eyes of a child. Parents will learn how to impart God's truth to their children day by day, and will see its transformative power on their families. Together: Growing Appetites for God is an easy read and includes helpful tools for scripture memorization and charts to follow progress through the Bible.
A True Woman Book
The goal of the True Woman publishing line is to encourage women to:
"Struggling with your Bible reading? Little ones running around under your feet? Carrie brings the prescription for Biblical illiteracy to our homes in this fantastic, fun read. Her warm and personal writing style is filled with real life reality, but presses you on to hunger for the Word." - Dannah Gresh, Bestselling author and founder of Secret Keeper Girl
"For every mom who is drowning in a sea of guilt about your own spiritual walk, this book is your life raft. "Together" presents the radical notion that spending time in the Word is best done as a family activity, instead of in quiet moments of peaceful tranquility. For every mom who can't find a quiet moment to think, much less memorize Scripture this holistic, manageable, family-friendly approach is exactly what you need to get into the Word and get the Word into you. In a style that is witty, transparent and engaging, Carrie Ward is just the everyday mama you need to show you that growing in your faith is possible and attainable even amidst the chaos of the little years." - Erin Davis, author of Beyond Bath Time: Embracing Motherhood as a Sacred Role
"I wholeheartedly recommend Together on every level -- as a friend of Carrie and her family (they're the real deal!), as a story lover (this one will make you laugh and cry), and as a girl who grew up with parents reading the Bible to me daily (the impact has been incalculable). Trust me, you won't be disappointed by this read, and it just might change you and your family forever!" - Paula Hendricks, blogger TrueWoman.com
"Together! Growing Appetites for God isn't theoretical, it's practical, born from the real-life experience of Carrie Ward, an ordinary Mom with an extraordinary desire to know God's Word and share it with her children. Carrie lets us peek in on both the joys and struggles of pursuing a fresh encounter with Christ and his Word, as she read through the entire Bible aloud to her four children, one chapter and one day at a time. Beleaguered parents (and not just Moms, mind you!) who desperately want to "raise their kids right," but sometimes find themselves weary with well-doing and flustered with the plethora of parental advice on the market, will discover in this book a refreshing and liberating simplicity. Many things can distract us, but one thing is necessary: sitting at Jesus' feet to hear his Word. Carrie's story will challenge, encourage, and inspire you — it will even make you laugh out loud! I'm grateful for the unique and valuable contribution this book makes to Christian parents today." -- Brian Hedges, author of Christ Formed in You, Lead Pastor of Fulkerson Park Baptist Church
"MAMA, I'm hungry!!" "What mother hasn't heard that from her children? But how much more important is it for us, as mothers, to hear our children say, "Mama, I'm hungry for God." How can we instill in our children a desire to know God and to love His word? In this book, Carrie teaches us, in very practical and biblical ways, how to stimulate an appetite in our little ones for the things that matter most. I so wish this book would have been available when I was raising my four children. But I praise God that a generation of children today will be blessed because of Carrie's tender and insightful instruction on how to grow our children closer to Him." - Janet Parshall, nationally syndicated talk show host Janet Parshall "In the Market with Janet Parshall" Host/Executive Producer
"I am so inspired and challenged by Carrie's book. I you have an appetite for spiritual growth and authentic intimacy with God be ready to "digest" this wonderful, practical book." - Karen Lorritts
"Like all Christian parents we long to raise our children "in the fear and discipline of the Lord." Carrie's wonderful little book models one simple but profoundly important way we can do that--reading God's Word together. Together has strengthened our resolve to maintain this important discipline and it has encouraged us to see that it is not only possible, but that it bears fruit." --Tim & Aileen Challies